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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I'm bloody gutted the only lens anywhere around was my rubbish 50mm could've had some awesome pictures!
Waaaaa.. How the hell do you get so many views? Barr the obvious good pictures.. Is it due to contacts etc? My average is prob 100 views, one has gone up to 800 but that pathetic in comparison to you lol.
I used to play the Flickr game to an extent with tags, groups and all that stuff.
Now I literally add to 1 or 2 groups if any, don't tag or promote the images anywhere but here.
A 'normal' upload of mine will get 300 views over a week or so, mostly from contacts I guess.
I follow about 100 people and regularly comment on maybe 20 of these, I apparently have nearly 600 people following me.
I've had 2 go crazy on Explore in recent months.
One is over 11k views now, the one I just posted has hit 8.5k at least in a few days.
I think it's a product of having been on there so long with so many contacts as I barely post anything on there these days!
  2004 1.5 DCi 80 Dyna
Last night, Leamington Spa in the distance and the moon saying hello...

Had a crack at using a rig last night. Wish I'd cleaned my car properly now...


Rig Test by Tom Cash, on Flickr

The PP isn't perfect, but I was pleased with it considering it was 1. my first time and 2. done it 20 minutes.

Got a shoot coming soon and needed to get some location/PP testing done.
Thats fantastic Tom. Something i still need to give a go. If i ever get round to it i hope its as good as this.

Like the mountain shots too Piers
Thanks guys.

That rig is a friends home-made one that cost £200 in total.

After that test-run and the immense response I've had, which included a few interesting phone calls, I'm probably going to buy a rig...
Really like the silhouette shot, such bold colours too!
I'm in London this weekend so hope to get the camera out in between drinking and catching up with mates!
Piers, should really have recognised Edinburgh, top right gives it away!
Another of mine from the weekend at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.


Deja Vu. by v15ben, on Flickr
Taken on the same night as the other one. I had no intention of doing any more from this shoot but my mate wouldn't let it lie so here we are....


Rig Test 2 by Tom Cash, on Flickr

The rig removal is much less clean, but it's an okay second attempt.

When I invest in my own rig, I'll take the time to properly remove the rig...

Thoughts and feedback welcome as always.

You just need to think of some more interesting shots, besides the car in a car park shot. Good for practice, but if you want a really good shot, you need a better location.

And try not to get the car in the centre so much, that'll be easier if you can get further from the car though.
  BG Clio 182

How do you post the picture directly from Flickr, they've changed it since i last posted a picture???


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You just need to think of some more interesting shots, besides the car in a car park shot. Good for practice, but if you want a really good shot, you need a better location.

And try not to get the car in the centre so much, that'll be easier if you can get further from the car though.
Thanks Dan! Both those shots were from the same night. It was the first time I'd used a rig and it was raining so it felt right to go in a multi-story. I've got some ideas for when mine arrives. I'll try what you said with composition. I just need to brush up on my editing.

@Habitual that is amazing, I love it!
