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The Pre and Post Photoshop thread....

  Fiesta ST-3
A chance for you photoshoppers to show your skill.

Post your picture pre editing and post.

For me working on a picture in PS is my favorite part of photography, it's like the skill of a dark room back in the day.

Here is one off the lens followed by the edit.


DSC_0034_edited-1 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr


Caerfai Winter by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Lets see yours.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Could be a good thread, this. Will upload some when I get home tonight.
  Fiesta ST-3
Not sure if I speak for any of the other PS noobs here, but I for one would appreciate a little explanation of what's been adjusted in the photos?

If it's too much trouble don't worry, just an idea.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I'll let Scott explain it in full but... Basically by using layer masks in PS, you can hide/reveal each layer.

So in his pic, it looks to be in three sections. Sky / Sea / Rocks.

Always best to shoot in RAW to do these kinds of photos, as you can change the white balance and various settings to get better colours and pick out details.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I try to get stuff right in the camera ;)

How about a bit more explanation with your shot, Scott ? Showing before and after is great but it doesn't mean anything to me. I've no idea if you've pressed a button in PS and it's done that or you've spent an entire evening buggering about with all the features of the program.
  Fiesta ST-3
I try to get stuff right in the camera ;)

How about a bit more explanation with your shot, Scott ? Showing before and after is great but it doesn't mean anything to me. I've no idea if you've pressed a button in PS and it's done that or you've spent an entire evening buggering about with all the features of the program.

Thats a very narrow minded comment to make :p

When you are taking pictures of the sea and the tide is coming in, the sun just about to set and avoid being soaked, it may not be possible to get it 'right' there and then. I will be honest the first image isn't the very original, I lost it so it's a half edited picture.

This isn't a willy waving thread for me mind, its for all you toggers to show your skill on PP because IMO it's a massive part of photography.
I have to be honest I leave my white balance on auto 99% of the time as it usually gives the effect of a slight warming filter on that setting. I do have a grey card for accuracy but its a pain to set it and as Scott says its not always practicable if your trying to catch the last light or being sprayed by sea water!

I am a firm believer however in trying to ensure its reasonably accurate so that you know "what it should be" rather than trying to recreate from a memory in pp.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I will start from tomorrow shooting in RAW. I used to but it was such a PITA before I had Lightroom, I had a free converter but was really slow, kept crashing and had little editing ability from what I remember!


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Customer wanted this restored as best I could, I nearly cried when he dropped it off.



But I think I did alright in the end, it's not perfect and I could pick holes in it all day long,
but he was more than happy with it and I got paid, which is all that counts at the end of the day. :D
No- ( I know, big no no) Just shot in Large JPEG

Another thing I need to start doing.

Oddly that's really good because your fix is easy;)

in raw you could make that saturation adjustment without all the chroma noise creeping in.
  Fiesta ST-3
Customer wanted this restored as best I could, I nearly cried when he dropped it off.



But I think I did alright in the end, it's not perfect and I could pick holes in it all day long,
but he was more than happy with it and I got paid, which is all that counts at the end of the day. :D

That is some suburb skills right there.


ClioSport Admin
ive just got real photoshop again and have been playying around a little trying to find my feet again, i realised that nobody recolours photos, they all b&w them... so i had a little excercise to see if i could bring the colour back :p

hope cup phil doesnt mind



i realise i basically colourised it but it was a right chore lol


  • cup colour.jpg
    cup colour.jpg
    81.6 KB · Views: 133


ClioSport Club Member
Will keep an eye on this. Just got myself a cheap second hand camera off a friend to have a play with. Always fancied getting a decent camera but this should be perfect for me to decide if I want to go the whole hog or not. EOS 400D it is.

I'm not bad with photoshop already from designing and stuff, will just have to see how it translates into pictures :)
RAW scares me.

I don't know why, it just does.

Me too, I've just started using it now I have the 5D so loaded a few night pics into Lightroom, just being able to change WB blew my mind a little bit, I felt like such a cheat!

One common thing I've noticed when people comment on WB is that when they say it's 'wrong' they often actually mean it just doesn't look nice. Virtually any photo taken in an urban area in the UK at night is going to have a lot of orange going on. It can be removed easily with a raw shot, but that's not actually a 'correct' WB adjustment as you're creating something that never existed.
