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THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

  Clio 182 FF RB
theres one like that driving around where i live apart from its like a weird turquoise blue colour, the bodykit is completely sh*t no matter how well it's been fitted....WHY would anyone want to spend their money on doing something like that to their car!!


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #274
lol i've got a cousin that's just bought a 1.2 uno thing not too disimilar to this.... 'err, yeh it's nice aint it, any plans on painting the wings to match the rest of the paintwork?"

I had to laugh.
  172 Cup
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

lol check these out then! bit of a repost but oh well! there that gash they need to be reshown!


  Arctic 182FF + Escort Van
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

lol check these out then! bit of a repost but oh well! there that gash they need to be reshown!



i love the fact is parked outside JJB sports and Argos. Just need a halfords in there to complete the ironey
  Clio 182 FF RB
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

compare the spoiler angles?
yep and just how much they help towards downforce when going their top speed of 50mph (wouldnt go any faster with all that bodykit on!!) :rasp:
