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Things you didnt know about your clio


  172 track thingy
Yeah sometimes my windows will roll down with one touch, others not! What is the trick there?

U need to get the knack of it lol a quick hard press and they go down themselves hold it a little too long and it thinks u wana tell it how far down u want it

not press it down and slowly let the button go back up with ur finger on it.
Just a hard flick, Push it back and let go quickly lol


  172 track thingy
Also push it back quite hard when u do it quickly it has to hit the bottom
U need to get the knack of it lol a quick hard press and they go down themselves hold it a little too long and it thinks u wana tell it how far down u want it

not press it down and slowly let the button go back up with ur finger on it.
Just a hard flick, Push it back and let go quickly lol

In other words, just a quick click ;)
  Cupped 182
Only after reading the manual for my newly purchased 182 (after having owned a 172 for 2 years previously) did I realise that the bit on the windscreen mentioned above was for parking permits, etc. WTF would you need a hole cut out of the UV especially for that?
Only after reading the manual for my newly purchased 182 (after having owned a 172 for 2 years previously) did I realise that the bit on the windscreen mentioned above was for parking permits, etc. WTF would you need a hole cut out of the UV especially for that?

So it fades quicker and you have to buy another one so they make £££'s :p

I'd imagine its because their scanners can't read through the uv filter?
  RB Clio 182
When you start your car and the 'oil ok' flashes up on the trip screen, if you press the trip button it shows you how much oil you have in.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
That the headrest adjusted. Had it for 3.5years and only realized a few months ago!!
Front tyres wear quicker than back...

Comedians... Everywhere :tongueclosed:

Theres a vent in the glovebox to keep things cool from the A/C (food I assume). Also pumps out hot air which may be an issue if you forget and switch the heater on.

My Skoda Superb does this... last night I went to get my bottle of water out of the glove box, it was so cold I almost freezer burnt my throat! 😂😂

you can have sex with 4 girls at once in the back of a clio if you fold the seats down.

You sir, are a Baller! But you know the score!

Pics or it didn't happen!:up:

I did t know that my Clio would smell like a weed den!
I also didn't know that the front grilles weren't the correct ones for the car


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
akimbo-slice said:
you can have sex with 4 girls at once in the back of a clio if you fold the seats down.

And on the same night won the lottery twice
Any Clio key fits every Clio fuel cap .

Trust me I've tried my 1.2 Key in loads including a V6


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
The little hook that's in the fuel cap for holding your keys when you remove the cap. Such a lifesaver, love it.
  RB 182 FF
I love the remote engine start feature, absolutely brilliant for frosty mornings to save sitting in a freezing car.......:up:


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Really, never once thought of doing that.
Where do you put your cap? Do you put the key in, then remove the cap, then twist and remove the key, then put the cap on the roof, then put key in again and twist, then put on car and remove key?
  330i. E30 Touring.
Anyone who doesn't just remove the cap with the keys still in and sling it towards to general direction of the roof is a paint precious fag.x


ClioSport Club Member
Women don't think you are as cool as you think you are bouncing it off the limiter in second.
I'm ashamed to admit this was my car when I bought it, but for illustration purposes, here's the symbol...

