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Thought my door was going to fall off! part no help required

Not that ive paid much attention to the door mechanism before, apart from changing a clicking door strap on my 1.2... i see now (after i thought the door was going to fall off) there are two hinges with bolts and a clip going through.

The top hinge the bolt goes in from underneath? makes sense as to why it happened... the circlip fell off the top and after closing the door a few times the bolt fell out, causing me to open my door and s**t myself when it dropped right down as it it was going to fall off!

Ive had to take the bottom circlip? (if its called that) off to copy it and dremel out a temporary one to holt the bolt in place.

Can someone find me the part number for a new bolt / clip that holds it in place please?




temporary fix ;)

