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tips/advice from coppers/VOSA people and painters/fabricators

hello dearests, reete as above really.

Meg is going in for a total front end respray next week, thought id see if I could get the front recess smoothed beforehand as I think, well know, it looks so much better smoothed off..

Alas here lies my problems to which I need the answers from people in the law profession and indeed bodywork/paint experts.

The first is regarding front number plates, is the square setup legal in the eyes of the law? I mean standard sizing and all that jazz? I dont care how you think it looks I just need to know the legality and whether it is ok fitted off centre as I plan to fit the front plate to the driverside grill area on the meg, and remove it for shows/track.

* My second question is for bodywork/painters, I plan to get my front plate recess smoothed and the plate relocated. now I have briefly spoken to rexe off here and he mentioned something about a flexible filler, i.e it wont crack as easily. Apparently when filling and smoothing filled areas are prone to cracking due to the stresses and impacts that it encounters on the road. Im useless with this area so any help would be great

so yeh.... any help is appreciated :)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate never saw it first time round!

Not sure on the plate sizing thing but the filler.

At the front it's going to be very dodgy mate unless you do it right.

You ideally want it plastic welded and use minimal filler, I haven't heard of flexable filler but I know plastic filler should be used (usually grey in colour)

I did deans rear moulding on his mk3 smoothed and painted all plastic weldeed with minimal filler.

To be honest it doesn't look like the easiest recess to fill as the bottom there is no ledge.

Easily done tho just a risk with filler cracking as always.


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Why don't you get a secondhand bumper and give it ago if it doesn't work stick the current bumper back on.
because I'm getting it sprayed asap as part of repair work so thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, plus I'm not into throwing money away incase I fcuk up, lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Fair play, what sort of prices have you been quoted for a front end respray mind me asking as mine is shocking and needs doing. Just unsure of what prices to expect
getting it done on insurance mate as a company damaged the car so couldnt say :(

looking at around 200/250 though dude... mines alot more! lol insurance premiums and all that


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah don't do it Naith, not worth the hassle imo.
  Black Clio GT
if you get it plastic welded you can create a small lip where there isnt one for the fillter to grab.
i had my mk1 done that way and it didnt crack.....

as long as the text of the plate is of standard size/font you shouldnt have a problem where you put it on the front bumper.
  Black Clio GT
me and body filler dont get on, i leave that to the pros lol
i know it can be done, if the spray shop dont do it everyday and dont seem confident prob wont come out very well and wont be interested in you if you go back after a month if its cracked,but quite happy to pop into body shop with you ...


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
your going to need a plastic sheet plastic welded in as gally says.

people i know with punto recesses removed fit there plates in the normal place but on 'L' brackets.

so you screw it up into the upper face of the grill and then can remove with no bolt holes, get me?
sort of, the front plate... i wanted it to sit in front of my grill on the side theres no induction pickup from but i'm thinking no bugger will do it now, smelly car :(
