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top mount spacers=steering wheel out .


ClioSport Club Member
  rstuned 182ff bg
hello people,

fitted the 3mm spacers under the top mounts this afternoon,

but noticed the steering wheel was out by a good bit, is this common??

looks like its a trip to the local, to get it re-tract.

just wanted to know if this has happened to our one that as fitted spacers to top mounts before,




ClioSport Club Member
  rstuned 182ff bg
all i did , was undo 1 top mount drop the washer on, refit top mount x2,

i'll go and get it seen to as ive just had 2 front michelin pilots fitted.
  Cup In bits
If your car was on the ground and you took off the top hats, fitted washers and refitted top hats then nothing could have changed.


ClioSport Club Member
  rstuned 182ff bg
alright Swede,

yeh strange 1 that mate, all i can think of is it must of been out a tad before i put the spacers on,

cheers pal again for your info.

  RB 182 cup
Is it just when turning? I get quite a bad knock if I put my foot down or set off in first quickly, could be on of the engine/gearbox mounts. I've replaced both bearings in the top mounts
