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Torsion bar too?

  Mk1 Clio F4R'd
Had a quick look at my torsion bar today and just wanted to know what i could use to remove it? Gave it a load of WD40 today too.


Cheers guys.
  Mk1 Clio F4R'd
does it just screw in the whole?

And where can i buy one from? hope there not too expensive
  Mk1 1.2
I made my own at college, works a treat everytime

and the thread inside which the sliding hammer screws into, M10

As for where to buy one from, no idea sorry mate

Edit: Try and Wd40 it as much as possible now to clean/loosen it up for when you do lower it
Take the weight off it. WD40 it so its dripping like a virgin.
Then use either a slide hammer. Or a long M10 bolt with a socket + a nut to tighten the socket onto the outer caseing.
  Mk1 Clio F4R'd
I think i'll keep spraying WD40 on it everday until i get a sliding hammer :D

Cheers for the help guys!!!!! :D
