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Touching up scratch on Arctic Blue door

  Looking for 182
Hi all,

As you can see, the door was opened and caught a wall taking the top layer of paint off. Even when the door is closed it is quite obvious.


I'm not after a miracle fix, I just want something to make the 'silvery-ness' of it disappear. I'm thinking I could just get some hammerite blue paint and very lightly (I mean, ridiculously lightly) put a bit over the silver areas.

I wondered if this would look gash and if there were any better ways of dealing with it though.

  Clio 182 arctic
get an arctic blue touch up pen made up from halfords, only costs a couple of quid and looks a lot better that the silver neway. coour code is j41 btw
  Looking for 182
Awesome, thanks dude. SO I just go to Halfords and ask for a 'Touch up pen, colour code j41'?

Easier than I thought :)

Will this work on the bumper as well? I have a small area where the paint has come off and left the black plastic showing underneath.
  Clio 182 arctic
ye it should be fine, i wouldnt be expecting miracles but its quite good for an easy repair, no will notice unless theyre close up looking straight at it. plus you get quite a bit aswell.


ClioSport Moderator
Right, this is a very simple "guide" but personally I've found you can often suprise yourself if you have a go...

Get your touch up pen, and get some 1000 grit wet and dry, then, personally, i'd get the tiny'est paint brush on earth. (the touch up pen tips are s**t IME)

Wet sand the offending area on the door, and only the offending area, be very careful to not go overboard, (this just flats out the harsh contrast where you've scratched the paint off and created a "dip".

Then get some paint on your tiny brush and touch it on the silver bit, overlapping the blue a tiny bit, layer it up a bit to get it flush.

On the flat bit of the bumper, at this point you could wet flat the layered up paint, and polish with slightly abrasive polish.

If you've got some patience you should be ok, largely because its not in a very visable place.
Thats exactly what I have on mine, so annoying and easy to see. Great tips rob, exactly what im going to be doing now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Dont get Halfords to mix up paint, just go to Renault, they do touch me up kits, least the colour will match!
