I agree with both leigh and Scudetto on this one!
In the import Vs Brit car conflict there will always be a difference whilst the car is newish, it will narrow as the car gets older. look at MX5 v Eunos, that illustrates that quite well.
To look at the value argument. I think most people will accept that imported cars are the same as UK sourced ones, they come form the same factory... So it follows that they will depreciate at the same rate. However, as the purchase value was different the curve starts from a different point, so in the first three years of life the UK car will always be more expensive.
Where I agree with Leigh is the value the dealer places on the car. They know what you paid for it!! Why should they give you the same value as somebody who paid more for a UK car and is maybe an existing customer of the dealership?
In the first three years of life the import will be worth less, due to public perception (be that right or wrong) and the depreciation curve so the dealer protects their profit margins, they are in business! If you sell an import privately you have a better chance, you can talk to the buyer direct and if the car is less than three years old youll get more cash privately anyway. Why not sell it direct and call the dealers bluff!
I guess when it comes to it buyers need to decide the long term future of their car. If it is going to be kept long term then an import is sensible, you can ride out the big loss. If you are going to sell the car quickly buy a UK car, or save money at the front end accepting that you are going to loose a bit at the back. This is what I have done. I had some spare cash kicking about and could buy either a UK Cup or an imported 172. I decided that whatever I bought would be a bit of a laugh and I would probably keep 6-9 months before selling on for a better more powerful proper sports car, so .... I bought the Cup - thisin theory should protect a bit of my cash! If I was keeping it a couple of years I would have bought the imported 172 (well... I would not have done cos the cup is better!!!

In the end nobody should loose money cos the import should have been cheaper at the outset.