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TV - Talk to me...

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Okay allow me to explain... Imagine you've just travelled in from 2004 and all the latest technology is baffling... This is me now.

For the past 5+ years I haven't watched any TV other than a couple of Father Ted and My name is Earl DVD's... I don't even watch Top Gear (yes I know Jeremy's gone lol)

So anyway, I've inherited my parents old Sony Bravia TV and figured I better do something with it. The TV is 'HD Ready' whatever that means and does have Freeview, although I can't get Men & Motors because the Freeview is apparently too old.

It currently doesn't have an aerial but that might not matter if I can get some use from it other than DVD's... I was looking at buying a Blu-ray player but I've noticed many of them come with apps such as Netflix and YouTube... Do I need subscriptions for these? Am I right in thinking a Blu-ray player with play old traditional DVD's? What benefit would 'built in WIFI' be exactly??

I do have an HDMI cable for it so I can run my tablet through it which works quite well...

Basically I want to use it to watch stuff... I'm not sure what exactly but I'd like some options... :D

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Well generally speaking, you watch stuff on a tv. So your in the right place :D

Blu-Ray players will play normal dvd's and also blu-ray disks so that's ok.

HD Ready means it will accept a hd cable, so anything that runs a hd lead rather than a scart will be ok. Xbox one/ps4 etc use these for maximum video quality.

I'm no expert but damn, the mx5 really does show in you :D:D:D

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Oh, and yes, Netflix is £5.99 a month but has pretty much everything you need to watch on it.
I believe the first month is free to try it out but if you don't like it, remember to cancel the subscription or they will charge you.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
...Cheers Lee, I'll bear that in mind!

So I'm going to use my thread to ask stupid questions, and here's my first...

I can't watch Motors TV because the Freeview is too old. Can I go out and buy a set-top box that will address this? If so, how much and where from?

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, you can buy freeview boxes from ebay for next to nothing (freeview is old.... to us)
Check the channels it has listed before you buy any old one.
Get a hd ready one as well.

They are literally plug and play.

Before you do that, is there no option on the tv to update the channel list?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
No... I did a bit of research and it seems that early Freeview systems aren't compatible with some of the channels.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Right, I thought I'd bump this thread as I STILL don't have a TV!

I've decided that I just want a regular 32" TV, and with Currys having a sale this weekend I thought I'd pop down.

Is there anything I need to look out for or avoid? Which are the best brands? I don't think I'm too fussed about a smart TV but what would I be missing out on? I've noticed most of the TV's I've looked at so far are LED, are these good?

Apologies for my lack of general knowledge regarding TV's, but I genuinely don't find this kind of thing interesting lol.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Just buy the Jvc one at £150 mate. It's a nice TV and at that size it really doesn't matter that much.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Just buy the Jvc one at £150 mate. It's a nice TV and at that size it really doesn't matter that much.

That's the one I noticed on the advert actually. That'll have Freeview I assume? I mainly want it for Motors TV and DVD's.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
If you've got wifi in your house, get a smart TV.

Like you, I'm not a technology man by any means but I bought a smart TV about 3 weeks ago and it's been my best purchase for years. Bloody brilliant thing.
  2007 clio dynamique
As above I also purchased an lg smart TV for a similar price and cannot fault it , its 3d aswell if your interested in that


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I bought that one 2 weeks ago at 399 :(
Bloody good TV though!! Not keen on the stands but I've ordered a pedestal thing for it to have a stand in the middle. Soundbar next :)
I'm buying one for £299 today. Then I'm going to a different store and taking the new TV back using the old £399 receipt.


Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Right... Got my TV and now I need an aerial as I can't connect to the existing one. What are the options? I'm assuming I need to buy a digital aerial, but are these indoor ones no good?
