Sorry I just started ranting and could not stop
My window got broken on Saturday called RAC Windscreen they tell "no available til Wednesday" Yeah good one ill just leave my car on the drive with no bloody window in it. After a little heated discussion he agrees to put Perspex in it, ok I can put up with this til Wednesday.
Wednesday comes I call them at 9.15 to see what time they are coming only to hear "Sorry mate we gave your glass to someone else, might be able to get someone out tomorrow" WTF!!! I explained to him that I had a sheet of plastic as a window it was un attractive and not very secure, to which the cheeky git replied "there are several other windows they can break through" At this point I was pretty pi**ed in a nut shell told them they better get to my car and fix the window, "ill call you in half an hour" he says........
Gets to 10.50 so I call my insurance company to make a complain about these monkeys, they were very helpful telling me to get it done somewhere else and they will pick up the bill, trouble is I had already paid the excess when they fitted the Perspex, thinking I was being clever as it was less paper work when they came to my work to fit the glass.
Anyhow I though sod it ill ring national windscreen and argue the toss over £50 at a later date. Just as I was about to do that my phone rings "hello, its Ian from RAC Windscreen we have the glass be there at 12 ish" thats a turn up for the books (a chance to redeem themselves) bloke who comes out sound guy fixes the glass and call me up "its all done, we have a small problem the pin that hold the glass in place is missing, whoever fitted the Perspex must have lost it, but ill get you one and come back either today or tomorrow"
So does anyone know if the glass in a year 200 Clio is the same throughout the range, or is it different on the 172?