Hi all,
Couldn't find anything on the foam insulation underneath the engine so thought I would ask,
Is it a good idea to remove it? Mine has become an oily, sodden mix of foam, grass, soil and god knows what else and is pretty useless. Its sticking out too from the under tray of the engine. It probably provides sound deadening from the engine so may look to replace it with some DIY job.
You can just see the plastic sheeting and oil soaked foam sticky out, no leaks though
Couldn't find anything on the foam insulation underneath the engine so thought I would ask,
Is it a good idea to remove it? Mine has become an oily, sodden mix of foam, grass, soil and god knows what else and is pretty useless. Its sticking out too from the under tray of the engine. It probably provides sound deadening from the engine so may look to replace it with some DIY job.
You can just see the plastic sheeting and oil soaked foam sticky out, no leaks though