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Upgrade in a few months. Stick with iPhone or...


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
yeah itl be safe in her handbag. she keeps it in her clio iirc

At least the handbag joke used some intelligence, thats just plane recycling of old jokes.

And whats wrong with looking after my stuff? As I said rarely I may put the sim in the old N95. Oh no, the epic hassle. If it means I destroy that instead of my iPhone why not?


Why not stick the N95 to those recycling companies £90 odd and put that towards new phone/contract


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I would do that when I get a new phone anyway, as the 3G would become the expendable phone. :)
It's sensible I suppose, but I couldn't be arsed with the hassle.

Like when your Mum bought you new trainers and you promised you wouldn't play football in them and you'd use your old ones. It happened for about a week then you didn't care.

My iPhone is in good condition but I don't swap phones when I go outside! LOL


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
AS I SAID. Rare occasions in which It may get a bit fucked.

Paintballing, for example was one time I swapped to the N.
  Audi S1



  RB 182 Cup
Well then wait for the summer and get the new one on Voda.

I'm a 'pikey' on PAYG. £15 a month for unlimited texts and internet.
I thought Vodafone were getting the iPhone early next year?

Or is this a newer newer iPhone?

Just I'm waiting to renew my contract with Voda for when they get it on their network. Sorry for hijack. x


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Its more on topic than most of the other posts ;)

And I think they will be getting the new one.


  RB 182 Cup
Is your iPhone insured, Jason? If the case is damaged then should be a free replacement.

Mate cracked the rear of his and had dirt stuck behind the screen. O2/Apple replaced the whole thing free of charge, he even got a 10 year old Nokia as a replacement whilst they had his iPhone!
