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Urgent question

  172 gone :( 197 now :)
Bought the meguiars 3 step paint treatment today, my car needs claying too though as paint rough as hell! Do i clay before step 1 (the paint cleaner) or after?? Im guessing before??
Also is it ok to use microfibres instead of applicator pads for applying the steps? It says applicator pads or terry towel to apply then microfibre for removing. But my pads are all dirty.
  RB 182
Paint cleaner is the wash part I think as you have to clay after the wash.

I would say that microfibre towels should be fine for stages but make sure they nice and clean :cool:
  106 GTi
Wash, clay, then paint clean.

Applying and removing products with microfiber works fine if your out of pads.
