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Very cold.......heater problem

  1.6 focus zetec....
Alrite guys,
I have a little problem with my heaters (well a big 1 at this time of the year).....basically they just wont come on! I got into my car after work and noticed the window (also the steering wheel damp) was steamed up so i turned the nob so it blew air onto the window and drove a bit up the road, after a few seconds it werent clearing up so i put my hand over the vent and noticed it werent blowing out any air even though it was on number4. I turned the nob back so the heaters were blowing towards me and they werent working either...i kept trying for about 5minutes and it still didnt work so i ended up wiping the window all the way home with my glove...

Anyone have any ideas as to why they wont work??? Also why my car would be steamed up and the steering wheel damp??

Thanks and sorry about the essay

Check under your bonnet where your ECU there's a block connector for your heaters there just check that the connector is making a good contact(check prods inside)mine got all s****y from water .Thats all i can suggest
  1.6 focus zetec....
I was going to check the fuse and then it started to piss it down so thought that be a job for tomorrow lol!.!.

Thanks for your help guys

  1.6 focus zetec....
Rite ive checked the fuse and the little plug by my ecu and all thats fine

Any1 else have any ideas?

What clio you got mate. On my old 1.4rt mk1 i had this problem. It went on for ages, nobody could figger out what the problem was. So in the end I took it to a renault garage (last resort) and they found the problem. I cant remeber exactly but the bloke had to put a new connector and do some soldering to the wiring loom inside the dash. Cost about £100 though!! But I would never have been able to work it out myself. Not saying this is defo your problem but it was mine. Sam
  1.6 focus zetec....
I have a mark 2 phase 2 clio going to be taking the dash off on friday to see if anythings blocked or any connectors r loose behind there and if not then my last resort is a renault garage.......unless some clever little renault mechanics pops up on here

Thanks agen

ok found it (under the driver windscreen wipper - open up the hood and unclip the plastic) - banged it around a bit no joy. Can these be stripped or should I just get another one? Any help appreciated..
yep did all that - even got a guy from the RAC out - was desperate - searching around here it does seem its the darn fan unit, might try the banging again otherwise its down to a renault garage next saturday...
