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Video-Editing Advice For A Noob?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Not sure if this is the right section for it, but basically I want to film and edit simple videos for YouTube and similar.

My only problem is my computer skills are desperately lacking, but then I don't really want to edit anything too fancy. Maybe just bunch a few clips together with some music!?

Any advice or recommended programs would be very helpful! :)

  57 Clio Campus Sport
Mac or PC?

Mac - iMovie
PC - Windows Movie Maker

Mac - Final Cut Studio
PC - Powerdirector

All pretty easy to use. Basically shows a timeline that is split into video, sound, effects etc where you can drag existing files and come with a library of effects. Obviously the cost ones come with loads of extra content and features.

You said your not wanting to edit anything to fancy so the free ones will probably do you just fine.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I already have Movie Maker, but I've never tried to use it. I'll give it a blast, cheers!
