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Viper strips

  renault clio
Hi all i have got a clio mk2 in cherry red and was wondering do you think viper strips would look good on it?

  EP3 Civic Type R
No- and that sunstrip looks terrible- take it off and the car would be miles better (in my humble opinion of course)
do away with the sunstrip, forget the viper strips and get some twin optic headlamps (like the ones on the 172)
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
Jesus get rid of that sunstrip dont put viper stripes on your clio would look gash mate
  renault clio
i am gettin a set of 172 headlights for it,plus i wanna lower it to 35 mm but the springs coast abit so i will have to wait on that idea
  Clio v6
Stripes may look good, but I'd worry about the lines clashing with the sunstrip. One or the other may be ok.
  renault clio
look all i am after is if viper strips would suit that car or not,i know it would be a bad idea putting a pic of it on here.
  EP3 Civic Type R
You asked for opinions... and you got them!

No, I don't believe stripes would look right on your car. I'm not a big fan of them on any to be honest- that's my personal view on them. If you like them, get them
  ITB BG 182
Hi all i have got a clio mk2 in cherry red and was wondering do you think viper strips would look good on it?
look all i am after is if viper strips would suit that car or not,i know it would be a bad idea putting a pic of it on here.
you have basically answerd your own question..
the sunstrip looks gash as it is stating the obvious, people are not going to look at you car and say "whats that, oh its a clio sport as the sunstrip says so".
Personally Either get a sun strip the same colour of the car an no text or get rid and have stripes, like 2 thin ones like some of the proper sport ones have. (gordini stripes)
  renault clio
Thanks john182rs,that helps but i think from want ppl have said i will not bother putting them on.oh yea and the strip is staying.
  ITB BG 182
The thing is steve, if you think it will look good then try it with some thing like white masking tape over the car, sounds daft i know but least then youll get a rough idea.
BUT if you want them on your car then do it an sod what anyone else thinks, because if we all did what some one else said would look good then we would all have the same bloody car, colour, wheels and every thing else.
  renault clio
i know john but dash said:-

"Stripes may look good, but I'd worry about the lines clashing with the sunstrip. One or the other may be ok"

when i used to work for renault my car came in one day for some work and some of the lads used masking tape on it for viper strip at the time i though they looked crap but now i am thinking they were right it looks good,i just dont want to get them fitted and they look crap,if you know what i mean mate.
  ITB BG 182
Well the only way i can see you winning on this one and having both would be to have like a red tinted film used as the sunstripe, then have the lines to one side over the car.
  ITB BG 182
Well if you have stripes with the sun strip and loads of text you will now have the contrast of all the colours, yea i know you said you was going for silver but it will be a different silver to what the strip is and with that it will look odd and like a sh*t job. If you have a sun strip to a colour of the car and silver lines then you have 2 colours which aint a prob.
If you keep the visor as it is dont go for stripes. People on here are all about making things look some thing in uniform and not just like a halfords car raid job where you just stick any old thing on to it.
  ITB BG 182
Viper stripes or 182 stripes all the same aint they.
IMO though i would not bother with a sun visor at all, i wouldnt want stripes either but i am looking at some decals for the car that not every tom d*ck or harry has.
There called viper stripes for a reason, as in unless you own a Viper don't put them on!

Even Haz realised his stripes looked shite!
  renault clio
So how come Beef-Mc they are on 182's,coz when i usef to work for renault and the 182 came out the also did a spec were you could have viper strip on it,so they dont have to be for the dodge viper.
They are gordini stripes, exactly what the gordini had on it years ago, the gordini was the same colour too.
  renault clio
ok i can see ppl or not in favour of me keeping my sunstrip on and thats ok coz i am not goin get the strips now i have take on broad what ppl have said and i am goin keep the sunstrip,thanks for all ur input.
  '03 Clio 1.2 Dynamique
Definately wouldnt get the stripes if it were me, and I'd lose the sunstrip too. Looks a bit halfords/DIY/Girly.
