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Vista Out Today

Any of you homms actually run out today and purchased it?

I know most of you have already got copies albeit beta, jolly rodger ;) etc

... but will anyone goto the shops and buy a copy?

I remember going out on the day of launch to get my copy of XP, wont be doing that again!
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
Stu_C did you buy it?

£400+ ??

Is it as good as it seems in the video clips i've watched :D


  Audi TT Stronic
Go out and blow money on it if you want.. I wouldnt class it as an upgrade though.
lol, I'm sticking to my 100% free and very beautiful Ubuntu intstall. I aint touching Vista with a shitty stick!

It was amusing the BBC saying that Mac owners have been moaning they have had most of the features of Vista for years. Linux distros didnt even get a mention.

Bring it on Windows fanboys! heee hee!
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
I looked at PCworld for the full version as apposed to the upgrade :>

*overclocks> clicks "add to basket"*
  172 Cup
Why would they get a mention?

How longs Linux been about? 10 years? Hardly made much impact into the home market in that time has it.


They do mention open source operating systems on the bbc website in the vista review to be fair as an alternative to windows.

I was only messing mate.. too many of these threads get all serious.. I have nothing against Linux and have used Ubuntu myself, quite impressed.


  Audi TT Stronic
Linux distros didnt even get a mention.

Why would they get a mention?

How longs Linux been about? 10 years? Hardly made much impact into the home market in that time has it.


15 years. Every year the Desktop market for Linux increases and the windows market decreases. I predict for the next 10 years linux will have nearer a 50/50 share of the desktop market.

It already has a massive share of the server market.


  BMW M3 & Williams 3
I knew KDF wasn't having that comment^ lol

Ill upgrade when them new quad core cpus make the market, or have enough money to buy a second hand cray.
  Clio 172mk2
i like the mac os`s but i dont think i`d buy a mac for upgrade issues, mainly the fact u cant just nip into town n buy a new part. Linux is great once had it on a old machine allthough i will admit it was a ball ache to install requireing at least 2 hard drive partitions (idealy 3) and there was some graphics card problem it didnt like. then there was windows software wasnt compatible
  Astra CDTI SRI
Anyone know if the business version will run games ok?

I have been unimpressed with it on the test machine here, but I'm getting caught up in all the hype (I'm now thinking i'm missing out on something.... damn you m$!) and might install it on the home machine at the weekend...........


  Audi TT Stronic
i like the mac os`s but i dont think i`d buy a mac for upgrade issues, mainly the fact u cant just nip into town n buy a new part. Linux is great once had it on a old machine allthough i will admit it was a ball ache to install requireing at least 2 hard drive partitions (idealy 3) and there was some graphics card problem it didnt like. then there was windows software wasnt compatible

:rolleyes: You dont HAVE to have 3 partitions, but it makes sense, at the very least

1) /boot
2) /
3) swap.

you should really put the home folder on a seperate partition too, it is good practice to install an OS this way, if only windows users were forced to aswell it would make their and my life easier.

Funnily enough i tried to run some linux software on a windows machine and it didnt work .. must be something wrong with windows... :rolleyes:

The reason Windows only needs one partition is because it uses an absolute rubbish approach to swapping - pagefile.sys, wtf.

/ and swap are the minimum really.. and most Linux installers now do this automatically.. as in "let it do the defaults".

Altho, as KDF says, it is good practice to seperate more out.. You should see the partition scheme I've created for the new ClioSport server :p
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I knew KDF wasn't having that comment^ lol

Ill upgrade when them new quad core cpus make the market, or have enough money to buy a second hand cray.

Got one, it's not all that. Most of my software just looks at the spare two cores and pulls a funny face, as it's written at best for two processors. :dapprove:
  Clio 172mk2
i got linus Mepis installed today looks good works well when booted from cd , boot it from hard drive n it crash`s :(

that laptop dont look too bad whats the spec onit


  Audi TT Stronic
TYou should see the partition scheme I've created for the new ClioSport server :p

Ooh fun game, be honest if im right !

just trying to count in my head..

7 partitions ? including seperate


possibly 8 depending on how anal you get about it ;)
  172 Cup
You should see the partition scheme I've created for the new ClioSport server :p

Threads removed that need to be kept (just the ones containing p**n links)
Then 10MB for the forum

Close? ;)


  911 GTS Cab
Yes we got some vista laptops in my shop this morning, look ok actually.

we had someone form MS in today to demo Vista to our sales guys, she tried to connect it to our plasma, no joy, then tried the projector, no joy....

SO I got our £300 acer laptop running XP home and connected it tot he projector first time, i'm sure it was vista preventing it from showing............

Quite funny that it was MS doing it though, and her reaction - 'Vista is sh1t' LOL


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
i like the mac os`s but i dont think i`d buy a mac for upgrade issues, mainly the fact u cant just nip into town n buy a new part.

Only upgrade I've had to do on a 4 year old powermac was add more ram, other than that it runs OS X very nicely, that can be purchased quite easily "Down Town".

None of this registry crap to bog it down either. The wonders of a POSIX system. :D
