Phone contracts and companies are f**king arseholes! 
Story as follows...
Way back in May I came to the end of my 18month contract with Vodafone and decided I wanted an Iphone. (I had been a customer for 4 years with Voda) Rung up Vodafone cancellations department and was advised to write a letter to cancel the contract. This was done on the 19th May 2009.
2 weeks go by and still have heard nothing from them (and by this time I have my new phone so Vodafone one is just sitting there not making any calls at all), so rung up again and spoke to (luckily) the same guy I spoke to the first time in the cancellations team. Told him that I had not received anything from them and he told me that they had not received any letter from me, I actually sent in 3 letters as I didn't hear anything.
He told me that he would take my 30 days notice period from when I first rung in and that my contract with them would end on the 25th June 2009 with a bill of 40 odd quid. "Fine" I said and he told me a letter would be sent out confirming this whilst on the phone to him I told him that my address details had changed and updated those and awaited said letter from them.
Nothing came and my bill date on the 26th came...£40 out of the bank so cancelled the direct debit and thought no more of it. The phone stayed off from then and has since been sold on so all was well I thought.
On Tuesday this week my parents dropped off a Vodafone letter to me dated 17/08/2009 saying
"Outstanding debt £38.41 blah blah blah...14 days to pay, blah blah blah, debt collection agency will be sent round and you will incur these costs for sending them around etc etc"
So ring the number on the sheet and the collection team said what's this bill for? she told me that it is the final payment for when the contract ended on the 26th July. Ermmm no the contract ended on the 25th June love. She couldn't answer why that was so put me through to customer services. Spoke to the woman in that department and she couldn't find my account details as the account is now closed. FFS
so she said il put you through to someone who can help. Sure enough she puts me on hold then I get some f**king computer telling me there is a system error and to ring back later! Arrrgghh (35 mins on the phone by this time! 10 of those on hold
Sooooo rang another number I had and got through to someone (yay!) Nice guy called Ahmed in billing.
Explained to him the situation and he said nope the contract was due to terminate on the 26th July not June as the cancellation was processed on the 20th June.
Ermmm no this is when I rung up to ask why you hadn't received my letter and was told that it was due to terminate on the 26th June. I even asked 3 or 4 times June correct???...Yes the guy told me!
After listening to me banging on about this he said as a goodwill gesture they would knock £5 off the amount I supposedly owed so I said f**k it il pay it.
f**king c**ts!
I can do everything by phone, pay my account, renew my contract but to cancel my contract I have to write to you then you conveniently never receive my letters??! f**k off!
MY next step is to write to them but I dont know if I can be f**ked for the sake of £33...its more the principle of being told when a contract will terminate only to then f**k up their side on the administration side.
sorry for the long post I just had to get everything in so that no-one called me a nugget for doing stuff wrong! As far as im concerned I played by all their rules etc and they f**k me over
Oh and then when I asked for written confirmation of this payment the guy said, no we cant do that i can only give you a 4 digit reference number.FFS!
Arse c**ts
Story as follows...
Way back in May I came to the end of my 18month contract with Vodafone and decided I wanted an Iphone. (I had been a customer for 4 years with Voda) Rung up Vodafone cancellations department and was advised to write a letter to cancel the contract. This was done on the 19th May 2009.
2 weeks go by and still have heard nothing from them (and by this time I have my new phone so Vodafone one is just sitting there not making any calls at all), so rung up again and spoke to (luckily) the same guy I spoke to the first time in the cancellations team. Told him that I had not received anything from them and he told me that they had not received any letter from me, I actually sent in 3 letters as I didn't hear anything.
He told me that he would take my 30 days notice period from when I first rung in and that my contract with them would end on the 25th June 2009 with a bill of 40 odd quid. "Fine" I said and he told me a letter would be sent out confirming this whilst on the phone to him I told him that my address details had changed and updated those and awaited said letter from them.
Nothing came and my bill date on the 26th came...£40 out of the bank so cancelled the direct debit and thought no more of it. The phone stayed off from then and has since been sold on so all was well I thought.
On Tuesday this week my parents dropped off a Vodafone letter to me dated 17/08/2009 saying
"Outstanding debt £38.41 blah blah blah...14 days to pay, blah blah blah, debt collection agency will be sent round and you will incur these costs for sending them around etc etc"
So ring the number on the sheet and the collection team said what's this bill for? she told me that it is the final payment for when the contract ended on the 26th July. Ermmm no the contract ended on the 25th June love. She couldn't answer why that was so put me through to customer services. Spoke to the woman in that department and she couldn't find my account details as the account is now closed. FFS
Sooooo rang another number I had and got through to someone (yay!) Nice guy called Ahmed in billing.
Explained to him the situation and he said nope the contract was due to terminate on the 26th July not June as the cancellation was processed on the 20th June.
Ermmm no this is when I rung up to ask why you hadn't received my letter and was told that it was due to terminate on the 26th June. I even asked 3 or 4 times June correct???...Yes the guy told me!
After listening to me banging on about this he said as a goodwill gesture they would knock £5 off the amount I supposedly owed so I said f**k it il pay it.
f**king c**ts!
I can do everything by phone, pay my account, renew my contract but to cancel my contract I have to write to you then you conveniently never receive my letters??! f**k off!
MY next step is to write to them but I dont know if I can be f**ked for the sake of £33...its more the principle of being told when a contract will terminate only to then f**k up their side on the administration side.
sorry for the long post I just had to get everything in so that no-one called me a nugget for doing stuff wrong! As far as im concerned I played by all their rules etc and they f**k me over
Oh and then when I asked for written confirmation of this payment the guy said, no we cant do that i can only give you a 4 digit reference number.FFS!
Arse c**ts