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Webform/ .asp question

This is a longshot but before I spend hours googling I thought I would ask the experts here.

I am working on a page for the company intranet that will send an email. The user will insert an email address into the form and a HTML page will be emailed to the specified address. (This part is working just fine)

It has been requested that a record of which user has used the page is kept so that it can be evaluated on a monthly basis. (???)

Does anybody know if it is technically possible to pull the user id or computer id and log it from a form? It would have to be "behind the scenes" so that the user would not have to input anything themselves.

Many thanks in advance.
  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
Not possible using only asp I think. You would need some sort of client side software to obtain this info, maybe an activex/java app? I puzzled a similar problem with php a while back.
Cheers...... I thought as much. Activex/ java is a bit too far out of my reach to be able to use.

I'll just have to come up with another solution instead.
