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Went for a drive in the shed...

Today was the first day me and the Mrs have been off together in months, so we decided to head out for a drive.

Living in northumberland, i thought why not head out into the wilderness.

Here's a few snaps from our day, I also want to add.. The clio was awesome on all the country roads. Put a missive smile on my face. :cool:








Most probably aren't interested. Just wanted to post them up lol !


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Nae bad pet! Like the way you've done the pics mate!
  Chocolate Orange 172
Really good pictures mate, how did you set them out like that?

Top football shirt aswell, toon army!!! lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
More pics of the Mrs, she looks nice. You, on the other hand, look like a young ruffian.
Just kidding boss, the pics looks great, car looks stunning (11 years old too - you wouldn't have guessed) and the day out looks nice - where was it? I wouldn't mind having a run out with the Mrs next month and Hull, just doesn't sounds appealing.
  Fiesta ST + Clio 182
some quality pics mate and a quality football team ;) whereabouts in northumberland you from?
