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what’s it worth

  VW Potato

May 02 Clio 172, flame red, 7.5k, Trade Sales job, 1 owner, totally standard, inc the cd stacker under the seat, no modes, a1 nick (except the rust and the missing nozzles...)

Im thinking about swapping it for a Leon Turbo (if i can find one). I dont care if the Leons done a few more miles. Any idea what the Clios worth trade/private?


  Scirocco GT TSi DSG

Would look for £11k Private as they dont need to know it is an import. A little less for trade in £9k - 10K.

it is, as always, worth what you can get for it ! Look at some of the ridiculously low prices that 172s have been offered at on this forum, and still not been bought - at least not on here - but the price of them in the likes of Autotrader is still quite high. Its more a case of what you will accept and how desperate to sell it - maybe a part ex is the answer - Geoff obviously got a decent price for his part ex against the BMW diesel van !!


  Audi TT Stronic

Well I got my clio, on private sale for 9K

It is a 2002 mkII with 5600 miles on the clock, the cd changer cassette and locking wheel nut adapter was missing ..

CD changer cassette cost £16.

Bargin !
