Right some fiends came down in there hot hatches to my local bypass for a little sprint to see the differences between the cars CRX/172cup/VALVER
My valver put on a good performance against the crx which was quicker than i thought but i comfortably maintained a gap but never lost him and he started to gain in the early gears 2/3. Anyway we went out in each others cars for a comparison. When we got back we decided to go to the pub for a drink. Just one problem my engine turned over fine but the throttle pedal wasrock solid couldnt press it down. The cable was very tight, I opened the bonnet and pulled on the other end of the throttle cable and the engine revs as normal so my theory was that the cable has started to fray inside the covering and got jammed. So i forced the pedal which after some force the cable slipped and the pedal is now touching the floor and the cable is all lose at the pedal end. However its mega tight at the throttle end meaning the throttle is stuck open. aaahhhhhhh! Then the bonnet wouldnt shut seems that is stuck shut or open (it was dark) and had the indinity of being towed home in the early hours of the morning by the missis in the 172.
Can anyone put a firm theory behind whats gone wrong, how do i fix it?
Going to parts department today to get a new cable hopefully this will solve itcan i have caused damage by forcing the pedal?
Loads of thanks to anyone who can help!"