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What Camera + Package to get?

  Fiesta ST-3
Right so in March I was bought a Canon Powershot SX10 IS. I now feel after months of happy snapping its time to upgrade and get myself a proper DSLR. Now after owning a canon I want to swap to Nikon purley because lots of close family members having Nikons which I've had a play with and then there is also the advantage of swapping kit and lenses.

So the one I've been looking at is the D3100. Seems a good all round camera.

My question is, where is the best place to get a camera + bundle set? I would prefer to buy new as the monies were left to me by a family member. I would buy second hand off a pro on here if i knew them but would prefer not to off another site or ebay just in case it were to break.

So it has to be
  • new
  • upto £700
  • consist of two lenses (standard and say 70 -300)
  • consist of a bag etc

Anybody know of good offers online? The best I have found so far is this one from jessops

Cheers lads, I kow c/s will come up trumps.
My mate got a D3100 about a month ago and he really likes it. It's alot smaller than it looks in pictures.
  Oil Burner
MPB Photographic is always worth keeping an eye on. As is Talk photography, i've never had an issue on there as yet, sellers have to be long term members and there is a seller rating system like most forums.

I dont have a clue about Nikon cameras, so cant really help beyond that.
  Inferno 182 CUP
Personally I'd look for a 2nd hand 40/50D for between £350 and £500 then a nifty fifty at £70 a lowepro bag about £35 and a pair of memory cards for about £30 you could pick up a 75-300 USM for easily less than £100 and then you have change and an awesome package
  Inferno 182 CUP
Andys 500D would also be a winner and use the remainder of the dosh on a bag & memory card and lenses .. 50 1.8 for starters ..
  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
as above anything by Canon

i own a sigma 10-20 its a truely fantastic piece of glass

although id opt for the 17.85is over the boggo 18-55 its a better built lens

posted a few examples in the media section
  Fiesta ST-3
You lads really haven't helped me out here lol. Its a tough choice with so many things to consider.
  Oil Burner
I think your justification for looking at Nikon is spot on. I borrow lots of friends lenses and they have got me out of tight spots and let me try lenses i might want to buy etc..

Having said which, Nikon has less used lenses on the market and they tend to be a bit more pricey than Canon, partly due to their lack of a pro'sumer lens range.


ClioSport Club Member
ive just got a 500D and love it!

my first DSLR so have nowt to compare it to but ive managed to pick it and after a few days messing ive started to really get some pretty decent shots
  Fiesta ST-3
Just to let you know I decided to stretch the budget a little and bought a Nikon D90 today. Can't wait for it to arrive now.
Nice one.

I've had a D40 for a while and looking to upgrade to something a little better now. Was looking at the 550d but will check out the D90 too!
