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What Clio's have people owned?

Reckoned up between my brothers, sister, parents and I, we've had 14 Clios.
Personally though:

1.2 8v Authentique
2x Iceberg 172 (still have one)
05 RB 182 Cup (still have)

And a few as company cars.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Past - Mk1 Clio 16V
Now - Clio 182 Trophy
Future - ? ?
  Mini GP2
197 Cup

My first Clio, wanted a RenaultSport Clio since the launch of the 172. Not sure how long I will keep the 197 but I won't be parting with it any time soon.

I know I will end up either owning another RenaultSport Clio in the future to keep as a future classic. 182, Trophy, 172 Cup or 197 F1, they're great fun for the money.


ClioSport Club Member
1.2 16v Dynamique
1.6 16v Dynamique
1.5 DCi 65 Dynamique
1.5 DCi 80 Dynamique
1.5 DCi 100 Dynamique
1.5 DCi mk3 106 GT
1.5 DCi mk4 DCi 90 Dynamique Media Nav
2.0 16v ph1 172
2.0 16v ph2 172 iceberg
2.0 16v ph2 172 Flamer
2.0 16v ph2 182 Trophy
2.0 16v 200 FF
Only one Clio so far. A Glacier white 200 which I miss so much. It was fully loaded in terms of options, and drove really well. I'd still have it today if some idiot hadn't taken me off the road.

Coming from turbo cars the only thing I missed was the ease of squeezing more power out, and the turbo kick, as having to rag a car to get anywhere can be annoying sometimes.

Anyway hopefully get into another Clio sport of some sort soon enough...


ClioSport Club Member
172 ph1
1.6 16v dynamique
182 trophy
182 cup

think i've had my fix now so moving to a german barge to waft about in.


ClioSport Club Member
1.2 16v
1.2 16v
182 FF
172 ph1
V6 ph2

Think I'll be done with them now when the V6 goes later this year, although wouldn't mind a cheap 182 just to hammer around when I'm bored.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Mk1 1.4 RT
Mk1 1.8 16v
Clio Williams
Ph2 172

I'm doing the Megane 'thang at the moment but will end up with another clio at some point for track duties or a potential boost project


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
And which one was your favourite and why? (Inb4 a Mk1 Variant)
Williams, my ph1 172 and my nimbus cup packed 197.

All for completely different reasons.

Ph2 172's and 182's I can live without though.

V6 clios are cool for a day. Then they're tedious. (Parking, boot space, gawpers etc)

Not driven a 200 EDC and doubt I ever will. (Unless they get super cheap!)
  Iceberg PH1 172
Mk2 ph1 1.4 8v RT in capsicum (later with F7P engine)
MK2 ph1 1.2 8v RN in capsicum
Mk2 ph1 1.6 16v RSi in Pearl Black
MK2 ph2 172 in PB.
MK2 Ph1 172 in Iceberg currently.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
2 x 1.2 16v dynamiques
1 x petrol blue 182
1 x iceberg silver 172
1 x Monaco blue 172 (current drive)

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
MK1 - 1.4 RT - Silver
MK1 - 1.8 16v 1994 - Blue
MK1- 1.8 16v 1992 - Red
MK1 - 1.8 16v Turbo 1994 - Grey
MK1 - 1.8 16v 1994 - Naples
MK1 - 1.8 16v 1993 - Green
MK1 - 1.8 16v 1993 - Red
MK1 - 1.8 16v 1994 - Grey
MK1 - 2.0 Williams 1 #0062
MK1 - 2.0 Williams 1 #0199
MK1 - 2.0 Williams 3
MK2 - 172 phase 1 - Silver
MK2 - 172 phase 1 - Silver
MK2 - 182 - Black
MK2 - 182 - Blue

think that's it off the top of my head and not in order really
182 FF

197 Cup

Currenlty fixing up a 182 ff

Rowan - Mortgage Expert

ClioSport Trader
  Audi SQ5
1.4 Mk1 Silver (written off on own driveway!)
1.4 Mk1 Black
1.2 Mk1 Blue
1.2 Mk2 Grey (crashed, sold for spares/repairs)
182 FF - Black Gold
182 - Black Gold
197 (current) - Red (official colour name unknown!)

With a variety of other cars in-between!
  Renault Clio
1992 1.4 RT red with white bonnet
1995 1.4 RT green
1996 1.4 RT red
1996 1.4 RT 3dr red i resprayed green

Then I went FCS, saw a 16v for the first time, and wanted one,
1992 16v blue

And the one I own now
1993 16v grey


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  Trophy 459
My collection so far after I was a Ford man for years I bought a
Williams 2 loved it
172 sport 02 plate
172 cup 53 plate
V6 52 plate
Bought the cup back
V6 51 plate
172 cup 53 plate px that for a
182 inferno 05 plate that got stolen off the drive !!!
Trophy LV55 EJJ 36k
172 Cup 03 plate current as well as a 182 Cup 05 RB that I use daily.


ClioSport Club Member
clio mk1 rn 1.2 back when i was 18 L73VOR sold to a mate
purchased back and dropped a c1j R5 gtturbo engine in it x 2
clio cup 172 blue
clio mk 1 rl also ended up with a c1j turbo in it
i built clive, an r5 gt turbo with a mk1 clio valver engine in and took it to the ring (does that count as half a clio?)
clio 172 ph1 silver ended up on jenveys omex and catcams 200+bhp
clio 1.2 16v smoker, was so slow it was deadly though
clio 172 ph1 silver ended up supercharged on omex 280bhp
clio 172 ph2 monaco, drove onto the drive never drove off
clio 182 trophy on JMS RS2
clio 172 ph2 silver turbo 230ishbhp ended up with a rod out the block
clio 172 cup silver with climate, current clio with a few changes on the way, should be ready mid to end of feb

10 different clios so far
plus another that was a breaker and one i went halfs on so a mate could have the shell and i could have some bits off it


ClioSport Club Member
Pearl white 200 - doesn't show up on the dvla tax check anymore so assuming it's either been binned or is on a private reg
  Williams 2172cup197
1992 mk1 16v phase1
1994 Williams 2
2003 cup
Also a mk2 phase 1 1.2 8v given to me,just had to do head gasket and sold it to back to guy who gave it to me!!!!
  Mk1 16v brooklands
94 1.2 be bop red
93 1.8 8v rsi white
92 1.8 16v ectrusian red
95 1.8 16v Naples (hybrid)
91 1.8 16v
93 williams
96 williams
94 1.8 16v black
92 1.8 16v grey
94 1.8 16v grey
2001 172 ph1 exclusive (green)
94 1.8 16v brooklands (hybrid)
  E46 M3, Clio 182
I'm on my fourth (and my favourite!). Have swapped between 182's and E46 M3's, but now luckily enough to have both!
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
1x Red PH1 1.2 (Bonnet latch failed)
1x Black PH2 1.4 (UCH Failed)
1x Titanium PH1 172 (Timing belt failed)
1x Flame Red PH2 172 (Sold for a profit and was put into a wall 1 week later)
1x Iceberg PH1 172 (tbc)

Despite the issues, I still want another one... I need therapy.


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
I've had

1.2 Clio
V6 255 still got
Clio 197
Twingo 133
Clio 172
Clio 200
182 Trophy still got
V6 230 still got
172 cup Stupidly sold last week
Megane R26
Megane 275 Trophy still got

In short, they're bloody addictive!
