"Navy" N17 TWO
What do you all use to treat your chips and scratches?
I have what looks like "snow" at the front of my rear arches - hundreds of very tiny white specks, I cant feel them with my fingers though so thats prob a good sign - I hope
Also got a few scratches and chips under my left door and a few more here & there
Ive tried Meguiars Scratch-X on the scratches - it works with a lot of rubbing and elbow-grease....
.....Then you wash the dam thing again - all your scratches stare you in the face when you run round drying the car
Touch-up paint pen leaves "blobs" on your paintwork so you need a blob remover - like this - http://www.midwayautosupply.com/detailedproductdescription.asp?9027http://www.midwayautosupply.com/detailedproductdescription.asp?9027
It smoothes out the "blobs" left by touch-up paint to leave your paint looking like new
Anyone know where I can get something like this in the UK? (Its nearly $70 to ship from that site )
[Edited by Tigger on 16 August 2005 at 7:38pm]