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What have you done to your car today ???

mattcreed barnesautos Removed the windows with proper cheese wire thatbsreen fitters use. To a minute or two a side to do. Fitting the rears was a bit of a pain as the Clio glass actually sits on a ledge towards the front of the quarter meaning there is a need for slightly larger build up of sealer. Once I noticed that it was pretty easy.

Also a little note... Remove all interior trims before doing the Windows. I am actually going to trim all the interior panels slightly as my Windows fit lovelly and flush in the holes and the interior parts would touch them.

The fronts were just slid in place there but where the channel is at the top of the door where the weather strip goes on the inside you can easily drill through there straight into the Windows and that will fix them very well. Also it will leave no signs of damage if at anytime you wanted to put the original glass back in.
  clio 2001 1.4 16v
have the engine a scrub :)
  Mini JCW
Had the R26's wheels changed from the black they were originally to anthracite - nice and glossy for a powder coat finish too :

  Mec 350 slk manual
Picked the car up from the paint shop today had the front end redone wings bonnet bumper door mirror covers plus new headlight and it starting to look mint .
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Painted the brake calipers, or one of them at least until I had to do something else :( Now have one very red, one totally faded red and two rusty brown!


ClioSport Club Member
Clutch on the driveway. Started it on Saturday, weather put a stop to it. Wanted to finish Sunday, weather put a stop to it. Done bits on it a few nights this week but it's been a pain in the arse. Finally put it all back together on Wednesday night, wouldn't start, traced it back to a bad earth on the starter last night and finally got it running again.

Won't be doing that on the drive in winter again.
  172 Ph1
Clutch on the driveway. Started it on Saturday, weather put a stop to it. Wanted to finish Sunday, weather put a stop to it. Done bits on it a few nights this week but it's been a pain in the arse. Finally put it all back together on Wednesday night, wouldn't start, traced it back to a bad earth on the starter last night and finally got it running again.

Won't be doing that on the drive in winter again.

You poor sod - clutch outside in this weather . Nutter !!!
  impreza wagon S2000
removed goosed starter (some ejit removed the heatshield) and n/s driveshaft (both gaters split) ...will get refurbed kit sorted in the week.

fitted powerflex dog bone, braided brake lines, changed brake fluid and bled the rears...old front pads removed so will be galled G tomorrow for some replacements.

Thank fook the sun is out :D
  LY FF182
Drove it hard for the first time in months, really looking forward to Bedford in 2 weeks! Need to get cat mod done before then though
  Black 182 FF
Washed it
Had the machine polisher on the front lights (again)
Cleaned up the contacts on the rear light cluster


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Cleaned it... and found a new dent on my door :( (looks like someone opened their door on to mine) and also noticed my passenger side window is refusing to move! So it's clean, but not having a good day.
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Thought seriously about what do I do when I turn 18 with 1 year NCD, keep the clio and modify it to get it to how I want but still have a 1.2... Or save up and try and find a 1.6 megane 3 door? End of the day megane will be more comfortable and faster, and also newer as I could try and get a 59/10 plate one for around 6-7 grand, but the clio will still be 8 years old and only a 1.2, but I wouldn't have to spend any more money on it as its mine...
Gearbox out, time to order a new clutch then fit my other box back on. Nightmare of a job



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Changed the gearbox oil. Spent an hour and a half gong round different halfords trying to find a 8mm sump plug socket! Oil was filthy, so well worth it!
  Cookie monster RB182
sat on the sofa, watching the car on axil stands, with the bumper the pouring ran..
