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What have you done to your car today ???


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I'm sorry to say he'll be staying with my Mum, helping her do the gardening,
I don't think he'd enjoy walking around a car park all day.

He's 9 so he likes to take it easy most of the time.

Do you know what you're doing on Sat night yet?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Nope! lol.

Don't even know if I'm coming up saturday or friday evening yet. Its ages away. I'll worry about it at 3pm on friday as per usual.
  Cup In bits
Fitted Pure Motorsport axle strengthening kit & spherical bearings. Cut guts out my last light to make cup racer blanks. Blasted, primed, painted and cleared front and rear calipers, calipers slides and stub axles.

And gave myself a massive t-shirt tan with the welder... F**K S**E
  Mk2 Escort
Got bored......

today on the clio.
removed rear spoiler __waiting for a cup one__
removed rear quarter windows..waiting for my new poli rear quarters __

sorted a few wires out and relocated the plug in
  Monaco 172
Fitted pipercross panel filter, ordered new bullets, fitted new door speakers and had the wheels off for a proper clean = very productive me thinks
  clio 05 van,megane
Finished putting head back on my Dci & connected up egr bypass pipe
Test drive tomorrow


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  Renault Clio MK4 RS
fitted some new 40mm lowering springs and new interior light and boot light, also got a RS Grille for it and some wind deflectors. Looking a lot different from standard now imo :)
  big boost cup
Removed all of the dash looked at it all after and thought FCUK. but started to weld bits of the cage in tonight.

anybody want to refit my dash lol
  Clio Sport 172 ITB
looked at car today for first time in 4 weeks in bits looking sorry for itself.. closed bonnet again as i cba atm


ClioSport Club Member
Hit a rabbit, exploded on my lower suspension arm, covered rear end in animal related debree. Jet wash anyone!
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Fitted my new climate panel, as my old one decided to not fully work. Fitted it easily but found yet more wires put to one side. Think it's from the aftermarket iso looking connector which goes to the cigarette lighter (underneath with fuse) but then disappears. Wierd!!
  White clique
New back alloy wheel (under warranty) and 2 new tyres (£612 for the pair!)

Also tried to get a software upgrade for my cars bluetooth. My HTC phone is running windows 7.5, and is no longer compatable with my cars software, but i was told today that there is no software upgrade for the car to support the phone! So i now have no bluetooth which is a bit lame. Its not something i had considered could happen before.


ClioSport Admin
New back alloy wheel (under warranty) and 2 new tyres (£612 for the pair!)

Also tried to get a software upgrade for my cars bluetooth. My HTC phone is running windows 7.5, and is no longer compatable with my cars software, but i was told today that there is no software upgrade for the car to support the phone! So i now have no bluetooth which is a bit lame. Its not something i had considered could happen before.

Police contractor pass=using handheld mobile phone get out of jail free card IIRC??
  White clique
Police contractor pass=using handheld mobile phone get out of jail free card IIRC??

I felt like whipping it out the other day (the pass!), i was driving somewhere in chelsea over a bridge which was 2 lanes each way, and this dustbin lorry was going pretty slowly (less than 20mph) in the left lane, so i overtook him on the second lane. Anyway one of those red police cars pulled up along side me at the lights and the policeman wound down his window and gave me a bollocking saying i wasnt allowed to overtake on the "brow of a hill" even though it was a bridge and i was still on my side of the road?!?! I think he cocked up and thought i overtook on the wrong side of the road, i asked him what exactly i had done wrong as i was surely allowed to overtake, and he said "think about it" and drove off... i'm still thinking about it and still dont get it!!


ClioSport Admin
I felt like whipping it out the other day (the pass!), i was driving somewhere in chelsea over a bridge which was 2 lanes each way, and this dustbin lorry was going pretty slowly (less than 20mph) in the left lane, so i overtook him on the second lane. Anyway one of those red police cars pulled up along side me at the lights and the policeman wound down his window and gave me a bollocking saying i wasnt allowed to overtake on the "brow of a hill" even though it was a bridge and i was still on my side of the road?!?! I think he cocked up and thought i overtook on the wrong side of the road, i asked him what exactly i had done wrong as i was surely allowed to overtake, and he said "think about it" and drove off... i'm still thinking about it and still dont get it!!

lol red cars are DPG (diplomatic protection group). Doubt he even carries a pen let alone tickets! Sounds like another knob who gives us all a bad name mate.
  Clio 172
just have bought one, 172, above the expectations :approve:, few things to be done thou. But already 've fallen in love.
  big boost cup
couple of casual fires next to the fuel tank. countless times hitting my head on the door sills with no rubber seals on but made good progress with the cage
