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What have you done to your car today ???

  BMW 123d/Rover Metro
These turned up today, superb bit of kit!


ClioSport Club Member
Had a blow out on the way to work... this resulted in the RAC man coming out as obviously I have no spare wheel. Luckily I already had two Goodyear Eagle F1s I'd recently bought so they went on - so a fairly positive ending.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Bought them off Danny from off here. No idea of the make, not crap ones though. Only five mm so not a massive increase just didn't want to go down the stud route.
  RB182cup&golf gti
Just been for MOT and passed, mileage now 19,359 (covered a huge 1500 miles in it this year) and I will have had the car 8 years on friday :)
  Clio 200 Silverstone
Removed LEDS from front the grill getting RS grill soon

Fittted, sportex backbox and red LEDs in foot wells 32389_10151173637123178_1973453713_n.jpg405220_10150998668723178_1626477156_n.jpg
Got to a garage/tyre place & get them to undo the top mount nuts with a buzz gun, then just hand tighten them to get you back home.

Thought about that, but won't that twist the shock too much and bust something off? It needs to be countered by the allen key in the top.
  CursedTitanium 182FF
Thought about that, but won't that twist the shock too much and bust something off? It needs to be countered by the allen key in the top.

Did it to mine, as I couldn't budge mine for love nor money & didn't use a 6mm Allen key.
  Clio 182 FF Arctic B
Carbon fibre wrapped dash strips, hazard warning light bit and door handles... also am 50% toward removing a small ding :) using a ding king rip off...
  182 FF, A6 Avant
Had my 172 exclusive BBS wheels fitted with some Vredestein Quatrac3s and fitted to the car for winter.
i have had the stripes put back on my RB182 cup by autographix blackpool. £30 .... bargain i thought :clap:

oh yes, i ordered a set of toyo proxes and also ordered a whiteline rear ARB from K Tec. Quoted my membership number and got a discount....cashback!! Very easy people to deal with, i was impressed.

  Clio 172, Pug 106
i have had the stripes put back on my RB182 cup by autographix blackpool. £30 .... bargain i thought :clap:

oh yes, i ordered a set of toyo proxes and also ordered a whiteline rear ARB from K Tec. Quoted my membership number and got a discount....cashback!! Very easy people to deal with, i was impressed.


Autographix have a good rep round here!! Ive had bits made there before
