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What have you done to your car today ???

Full ktec system and decat fitted yesterday so went up on the private clay roads for a blip today

Mates 600d on a tripod. Should go up to 1080p on youtube

Tried a few difernt things but without a proper wind reducing microphone they didn't all work

got a nice screen shot from one run though


Fast Eddy

Took my 172 out of the garage and managed to take some paint of the garage door surround with me..... Feck!
Luckily only on the offside wing, so will have to get polishing....

Other than cursing like a tourets ravaged Irish man all day, I have also fitted a fabia front spliter.
  172 Cup
The nearside CV boot securing band decided to break recently, so I cleaned everything up (unsealed boot obviously results in a bit of grease oozing out), added fresh CV grease and fitted a new band.
  107 Track Car & C4
Had it's MOT at K-Tec, passed with no advisories. Also picked up my Oreca boss at the same time, so I can now fit my OMP steering wheel :)
  Renault clio 2005
Drove it Pushed It Loved the handling and the 16 valve engine response above 4.2k Tomorrow will be full valet clean polish. and enquire about spacers :)
  107 Track Car & C4
Mine was fine apart from the airbag, took ages to get the clips undone! The rest seemed pretty straight forward :)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Oil change. Filter was a nightmare to get off, lazy French didn't put any oil on the gasket.
  Black 182 FF
Washed it twice (first time in almost two months)!
Put the new tax disc in.
Checked and corrected tyre pressures.
Changed spark plugs.
Checked oil and tightness of oil filter after changing it two weeks ago (filter needed a slight turn to tighten).

First time I've ever used a torque wrench for plugs in just over twenty years of doing them, but owing to horror stories on here and having a torque wrench I thought I'd try it.
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  330Ci cab
got all that hanging salt off of it, washed it, watched the water bead of nicely! slicked the tyres, stood back and appreciated those french cureves.

