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What have you done to your car today ???

  04 Monaco Blue 172
lowered it, changed oil and filter, airfilter and 2 x new cv boots yay not

next up, skoda splitter and mot lol
No V-Power in the area and it's better than the limp dross BP sell. 99 rons, mate.

Tongue in cheek. It might be 99 ron but my car doesn't work on it properly at all. Poor economy and poor starting. If it works for you then it's fine.
  1995 Renault Clio 1.8 16v
LOL no it's not. Lower calorific value.
Wouldn't call it muck though tbh.

Just read through a fair few reports and octane rating is same as are power outputs in controlled tests, but momentum has little or no engine cleansing additives.
My old 172 was steady tick over from cold, but the 182 can be lumpy, however after trying £25 of momentum in it and disconnecting battery for half hour, the momentum actually seems to make it a great deal better for that. Performance wise, can't tell any difference. Always tried to use vpower before


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Cut sections out the Skoda splitter so tomorrow the garage can get at the screws holding the bumper on,
ready for the rad to go in.

I also took the throttle body off for a good cleaning, took the foam filter out the air box for cleaning
and replaced it with a ph1 paper element.
  titanium 182
Spent a whole f**king hour fitting led sidelights after dropping the driver side one down in the engine bay and taking 50 mins to find it again!!!!!!!!! ha ha

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
^^^^^ worst nightmare ay.

I put some maps in the car that I found when tidying out bedroom today. More useful in car than in the house ;)
  clio 172
By emotional I take it you mean angry swearing and borderline crying? ;)
this exactly trying to undo the main nut on top of the mount was a nightmare just kept twisting then flying back ended up taking the gearbox mount assembly off to get it sorted:banghead:
  clio 172
i know i got half way through an oh sh!t, but i had no choice had to get it sorted because i gota pic the mother in law up from hannover airport 2moro so the wife would of killed me if i said my car was broke
  Ibiza FR Edition
Washed it, added another layer of Werkstat Jett and topped up the rain repellent.. it's what bank holidays are for!!
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Drive it for the first time due to being away for two weeks, started on the nose and put a smile on my face almost immediately and I didn't even go faster than speed limit!!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Today I shall think about polishing it, then realise I cba as it's going to rain every day this week :(
Washed it, polished it and waxed it. Would have clayed too but didn't have the time! Looks gorgeous. The cup alloys are at least 100% lighter than before I started!!
  extreme flamer
Drove it, fitted colour coded bump strips to the doors and rear quarters, then abandoned my car to clean up my da's big dirty diesel focus (c**t of a job as its about twice the size of a clio and is usually just washed by the rain haha)
