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What have you ordered? *Detailing*

Z Vintage sample :)



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  iceberg phase 2 172
Autobrite cherry glaze from Gally, dodo juice blue velvet, dodo juice purple haze, dodo juice hard candy, and bouncers sherbet fizz :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I tried that cherry glaze, didn't rate it tbh it seems very watery. The amigo stuff although double the price is more than double the product
  iceberg phase 2 172
if i dont get on with it il just sell it on on detailingworld or swap it for something else :) cheers for the heads up tho dude


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I tried that cherry glaze, didn't rate it tbh it seems very watery. The amigo stuff although double the price is more than double the product

Lols. They aren't even close to being the same product.

I'd like to see Amigo drag dirt out the paint like CG does.

With it being thinner than tripple it speads better and doesn't cure as quick.

Amigo is very good but we're comparing apples and oranges.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I'm far from an expert but I didn't find the cherry glaze good to use. I will lose any debate in cleaning products and how good they are as a comparison to others I know that, out of my depth etc, just telling the story. Oh and when it does cure it's a bugger to get off
  Not a 320d
Hows this look? Spring Polish for Bank Holiday.... I have a wool pad which I will use with P1 if the Green Pad doesnt work.... Dont want to buy from Tim but whatever. Needs must.



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
You don't need sonax. That's what thr reload is for. You won't be using a QD for a month at least.

Oh and Hex > LCC


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
What do people recomend for a nice shampoo? I currently use the autosmart stuff but wondered if there was anything better to try? Just nosing on cyc and saw the car lack shampoo, seems pretty good value at £13
  Not a 320d
You don't need sonax. That's what thr reload is for. You won't be using a QD for a month at least.

Oh and Hex > LCC

Ill use it weekl after washing.

Also Hex on a rotary......?

Ive had hex they were good on DA. But I keep going back to Lake Country time after time now.
  Not a 320d
What do people recomend for a nice shampoo? I currently use the autosmart stuff but wondered if there was anything better to try? Just nosing on cyc and saw the car lack shampoo, seems pretty good value at £13

Shampoo Plus.

Or Born To Be Mild if youve got a protected car.


ClioSport Club Member

Went with Tr.ix because CarPro didn't have any Tar X in stock, and I didn't want to get Tardis in a separate order from elsewhere.

Hopefully these products will give me a good introduction I can build on as I get more involved in detailing.
  iceberg phase 2 172
supposed to be good mate , i havent had chance to use it yet . i dont get on with normal glass cleaners , hated ag fast glass lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I hate cleaning the glass allways have lol. Have heard its pretty good stuff. Be interested to see your thoughts mate
  iceberg phase 2 172
lol im the same , just streaks everywhere , so hopefully this will be better :) il let u know when i get chance to use it fella
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Some of the AG stuff is alright, but typically you'll find better from other manufacturers. for example the bumper and trim gel looks good, but lasts 3minutes. Compare that to revive and it's world's ahead
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I like AG and AF glass cleaners. 3m is highly rated but I've never used it. clearly menthol wasn't shouldnt streak if used properly on washed glass
