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What Valver Spolier

Hi there! Once i get my 16v back from the garage this week im thinking of getting a new spolier on the back and im after peoples opinions on what looks good....Ive quite like the one that prima had on their turbo clio and im also thinking about an e-tech alloy job (as per my 1.4 had) but dont know if itll look a bit vulgar now....

Incidentally my valver in willy 1 blue, lowered with silver willy replicas...

Any opinions folks...

Cheers m8 - thats definately gonna be one of the ones on the list! Still undecided though.....the e-tech is rather obvious but could look evil, bad girl is really nice and the prima turbo (Maxi style) looks good on their turbo valver....


That car looks filthy night.icon! I can see a spec of dust on the back window, N/S 2nd rear heater strip 1/3rd of the way up! ;)

Spoiler looks nice!
