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What wheel is this??

  Evo 8
Hi all,

Trying to fix up my little brothers clio and found one of the wheels to be buckled.:dapprove:

Had a look on the web but cant find out what type of wheel we need (see below pic...)

Does anyone know what renault vehicle/model its off? And where i could get one?

Its 15'' (renault centre cap missing from picture)


ETA: My brothers clio is a MK 2 (W reg) RN (i think). this probably has no relevance as the wheels were added by a previous owner.

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  Black Clio GT
that could be anything lol
have you looked up the part numbers/info stamped on the wheel on google or just looked for pics??...
if the tyres are decent might be worth trying to get a decent set of mk2 ph2 dynamique alloys.....


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Thats a Team Dynamics 'Motorsport'.
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  Evo 8
Thanks for the replies! :)

The only numbers on the wheel are these on the front...

Jx15H2 - size reference


L5654 - part number?

  Megane 225 F1
Those aren't the renault ones. They look very similar to the OZ F1's that came on the ph1 sports.
