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What would these look like

they are the standard alloys on the dynamique etc.

i think the offset is wrong for the 16v (not sure thoug)

would be interested to see how it looks, IMO they are very smooth, subtle alloys


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

ahh thats what he has then a Black Dynamique.

Thats what I was thinking they remind of my phase 2s but updated if you know what I mean!

Plus you cant rob the centre caps (thieving scallys!)

Nearly sure the offset for a valver is different. Surely it would has a braoder wheel base?

A mate off mine has let his in to be highly polished. Think they should good when finished on his Black car. Will get a pic asap.

mk2 172 alloys look good on a valver imo, think there is a pic on lee ms website from trax with a blue 16v with them fitted
  Ziel Nurburgring

The handling would be pony, the 16V have a width of about 7/7.5". Those are probably be about 6. Get some new cup alloys! Any tried a V6 set on a 172/cup??

Quote: Originally posted by blink172 on 27 September 2003

The handling would be pony, the 16V have a width of about 7/7.5". Those are probably be about 6. Get some new cup alloys! Any tried a V6 set on a 172/cup??
Doubt it.....the V6 alloys are 5 stud!
