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What would you suggest? (N81 screen issue)

  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
My missus has got a nokia N81 on contract which doesn't run out until August.

Her phones fucked basically, the screen turns itself upside down, inside out, all stripey colours. half the screen fine, the other upside down and striped and all sorts, but when its on low battery, it works fine again? :S

She does have insurance, but doesn't really want to pay the £50 excess.

I did suggest perhaps updating the software but she would lose all her stuff off her phone if she does that according to something i read somewhere?

Any suggestions?

You shouldn't lose stuff updating the software, but its possible.

Best to connect it to a PC first and do a backup, you can then restore it if needs be.
  Ph2 172
Phone may still be under warranty?? I've had my 81 repaired - admittedly when i broke it!!

However, I also had a software fault that i had repaired under warranty. Ironically, that was because i had tried to do an internet software upgrade, and it didn't work properly ever again after that! The service centre actually gave up on it and sent it back to Nokia who sent out a re-con unit.
