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Whats the best Clio?

  Puma & ZX6R
I've been looking around and there are a lot on offer, the 172 MkI, MkII, Ltd Ed and the 182, Cup, Trophy. I do like the twin pipes on the 182 but I dont mind passing them over if the 172 or its likes are better at handling, 0-60. Cosmetics are a second to driving. Also, do the Trophys only come in red? Ultimately I would like the best version there is.
  106 GTi
Welcome to CS.

For true drivers cars you need to look into at least cup suspensioned models, 172 Cup, or Cup or Cup packed 182s.

For raw driver pleasure the Cup models proper have the edge, the 172 being the rawest no traction control or abs.

The Trophy despite having a few toys is probably the pinnacle of the current batch and the one to go for IMO if I was buying today. Only in red as you say, limited to 500 numbered UK cars.

As to the best Clio thats a can of worms if there ever was one!
  Not a Clio
You didn't mention the V6... that's the "top" of the clio range. Not sure it's the best - depends on your point of view and size of your wallet :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
good synopsis r-jay. :approve:

i think ultimitely you need to drive a varation in the models, trophy, 182, 182 with cup chassis pack, 172 phase 1, 172 phase 2 and a 172 cup.

Then i think you could make your decision. Many peopel would prefer to have air con and abs as many 172 cups don't have either (although some have air con).

yo and welcome btw!
This could turn into a bunfight. The guy didnt mention willys, hybrids or valvers but you can bet your ass the chance of this turning into a 172/182/cup/trophy vs willy/hybrid/valver bickering fest is high.
_simon_ said:
You didn't mention the V6... that's the "top" of the clio range. Not sure it's the best - depends on your point of view and size of your wallet :)

overrated performance, but they look and sound the biz


It all depends what you want from the car.

I've owned a 172, 182 and now have the Trophy. Out of the 3 the Trophy is by far the best for me. I've also driven a few 172 Cups and reckon that's a close second to the Trophy. Both offer a similar driving experience.

Of course, if you want older, the Williams is still an amazing car.
Clio 182 with both cup packs if you want the toys

172 cup/182 Trophy if you want less toys but slightly better handling

too be honest unless you drive them near or at the limit you wont notice that much, thats why I went for 182 full fat with cup packs but its good that renault offer us the choices
  cock mobile.
Depends if you want toys or a more raw car.

I wanted something raw, just me and the car so I got the Cup.

If I was to get one now it would either be the Cup (172) or Trophy depending on my budget.
Lee said:
It all depends what you want from the car.

I've owned a 172, 182 and now have the Trophy. Out of the 3 the Trophy is by far the best for me. I've also driven a few 172 Cups and reckon that's a close second to the Trophy. Both offer a similar driving experience.

Of course, if you want older, the Williams is still an amazing car.

do you think the handling is better on the 172 cup than the 182 with cup packs?
  Puma & ZX6R
Thanks all, I suppose the question should be, is it worth paying more for the 182 Cup than the 172 Cup. Does the extra 10 make the difference? The 172 dont have TC or ABS but the 182 does, the 172 must be lighter then and the 182 heavier but more powerful. I dont care about AC, thats what windows are for.
  Nimbus Clio 197
sounds like you want a 172 Cup then mate. i didnt want all that aircon etc etc, and i wanted the best handling one i could get, so the Cup was my option. Im not disappointed! the 182 wont be any faster even with 10bhp extra, all the 2.0's are roughly the same performance really, in the real world.
Ribnib said:
Thanks all, I suppose the question should be, is it worth paying more for the 182 Cup than the 172 Cup. Does the extra 10 make the difference? The 172 dont have TC or ABS but the 182 does, the 172 must be lighter then and the 182 heavier but more powerful. I dont care about AC, thats what windows are for.

Yeah but its not much fun having the windows down on the motorway at 70 mph, nothing like being in an air conditioned car to cool you down on a hot summers day, i wouldnt buy a car without it
  Clio 172 mk2
I brought a 172 as I wanted all the toys and AC plus the interiors in the cup models do seem to be a bit low rent.

Performance wise there's only 10bhp in it but obviously the cup is lighter so will be a tad more nimble.

Trophy version is the pinnacle of all hot hatches apparently including the good old 205gti and Mk1/Mk2 golf.


gazcaddy said:
do you think the handling is better on the 172 cup than the 182 with cup packs?

For me the most noticable difference was it felt lighter with quick changes of direction, I always thought the 182 with Cup packs felt like it had a higher level of grip when cornering though.
  SC 172 FF
if u want it 4 performance get a williams or a hybrid m8, not as powerfull but lighter and from what iv heard slightly better handling ( not a personal view as iv never driven a 172 /182)

however if u want a more modern car m8 id go for the 172 cup
  Puma & ZX6R
Its going to be a modern car, cant be doing with the grief of getting things sorted on an old model. I'm sorry but I cant have a car in red, its against my religon. I know the trophy is the best, but red? My missus will be wanting to drive at all the time.
Well, thanks everyone. I think it really is going to be personal preference over stats, they are all quite similar and have their own redeeming features. No point in going for the 182 without the cup packs, and the 172 Cup is a drivers car. Now to sell my other toys!

Thanks again
  A4 Avant & A3
172 cup with climate (for those days when the window just isn't good enough) ... ;-) and there are still ones with warranties around for peace of mind.
just my 2 pence worth

And i am biased.. never driven any other 172 lol
  clio 182 black /gold
The best clio is on which does not break LOL. I would say get one with cup packs for handling.
  Nissan 350Z
I'm gonna go against the usual tide here, and say that the standard full fat 182 is still an excellent drivers car, and is worthy of consideration if the price is right.

I love driving, and I dont think the 182 is a bad handler at all, which is an impression one might get from reading some of the posts on here. :)
Not sure this is of any use but ill post anyway, its just a list of all the power to weights of the Renaultsport cars, Power to weight is considered quite important for 0-60 and you said that was important so here goes

Renaultsport Models Power Weight Power to weight
Clio 16 v 1.8 137 980 140
Clio Williams 150 981 153
Renaultsport Clio 172 MKI 172 1059 162
Renaultsport Clio 172 MKII 172 1095 157
Renaultsport 172 Cup 172 1011 170
Renaultsport Clio 182 182 1090 167
Renaultsport Clio 182 Cup 182 1075 169
Renaultsport Clio 182 Trophy 182 1075 169
Renaultsport Clio V6 230 MKI 230 1335 172
Renaultsport Clio V6 255 MKI 255 1400 182

I find it funny that the power to weight of the two V6's is 172 and 182!!
  Renault ChaVio
Those figures are spooooky :)
My opinion for what it is worth is the Trophy. The reviews it has had are exceptional when you consider the cars available at the moment.

It is a bit unfair to include the V6 in the equation. It is too specialised and different to the standard car.
  X-172 Cup
Evolution dictates it should be the Trophy, as a 172 Cup owner I'm inclined to agree, love the colour/twin exhausts and we all know how quick they are & how they handle so for me it would be the Trophy if money no object or Williams 1 on a budget.
  X-172 Cup
gazcaddy said:
Not sure this is of any use but ill post anyway, its just a list of all the power to weights of the Renaultsport cars, Power to weight is considered quite important for 0-60 and you said that was important so here goes

Renaultsport Models Power Weight Power to weight
Clio 16 v 1.8 137 980 140
Clio Williams 150 981 153
Renaultsport Clio 172 MKI 172 1059 162
Renaultsport Clio 172 MKII 172 1095 157
Renaultsport 172 Cup 172 1011 170
Renaultsport Clio 182 182 1090 167
Renaultsport Clio 182 Cup 182 1075 169
Renaultsport Clio 182 Trophy 182 1075 169
Renaultsport Clio V6 230 MKI 230 1335 172
Renaultsport Clio V6 255 MKI 255 1400 182

I find it funny that the power to weight of the two V6's is 172 and 182!!

Nice one - they all look pretty healthy to be fair but on this evidence the Top Trumps Mack Daddy Clio is the V6 255 MK2 - I'd still have a trophy though ;)
Personally I'd get a full fat 182 with Both Cup packs and get some expensive suspension (Leda) fitted. or if I wanted to save some more money a late reg 172 with Leda coilovers and get some 182 hubs fitted.
Ribnib said:
Its going to be a modern car, cant be doing with the grief of getting things sorted on an old model.

in all honesty you wont want a Reno then, trips to the dealers are a regular thing for the newer ones and trips to breakers yards and are a regular for the older cars... if you need reliability, get a jap motor or a newer Ford, seriously, Reno's are grief, but boy are they fun.
  A4 Avant & A3
Must have been lucky in my family with reno's then
i've had 2 clios now without major probs, parents have a laguna now on about 170k!!!, so does sis although a bit newer, both nothing worth mentioning gone wrong, and they all seem to like them.
a mate has had a 1.2 dynamique from new (jan 2002) and has been fine.. for around 35k.

Funny, as my sister actually had a mazda (so say reliable motor) and from the 2nd day of owning it, smoke poured out the back, ended up with an engine rebuild.. followed by prompt selling!! luckily the old man is quite handy with a spanner :) .. although after all his hard work he was a bit annoyed at her selling it but i think she was a bit p**sed off with it.
Just goes to show, even cars from "reliable" manufacturers go wrong... maybe hers was a exception!
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