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Wheel Noise :(

  Fiesta ST-3
So I have a really high pitch noise coming from the rear wheels these days. Its like squeaky breaks, accept I'm not breaking.

It comes on when I've perhaps been breaking hard and then when I step on the breaks it goes away for a little while but does come back.

Any thoughts?
Had it on my R27 got some gravel stuck in the pad, I would jack up and check the bearings and then strip out the pads to inspect/clean up. Make sure you use locktite on the calliper bolts when you put them back in because a garage didn't on mine when they changed the pads and the bloody calliper loose on the M1 :(
  Fiesta ST-3
Yea I pretty sure its not Gravel as its been going on ages now :( But cheers, I need to get a look at it.
I guess it will be the bearing then, Had a front bearing go on the 197 but that was due to kerb abuse on circuit. Maybe something is catching, see if you can replicate it by spinning the wheel when jacked up :) Hope you get sorted
