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Where is the heatshield !

I believe (from searching on this forum) that the heatshield may be casusing a clunking sound Im getting at low speeds when I take my foot off the accelerator.

How do you get to the heatshield ! Any advice appreciated.

Quote: Originally posted by nipa on 22 November 2004

Should that be 90% ? If just left will it course problems further down the line ?
Should be a problem the only thing is it wont go away.

The is caused by axl tramp ie the engine can move about in its mounst and it hits the heat shield or whatever else is in the way ie PAS pipe/ aircon pipes.
  Full Fat 182 - Was..

sorry my bad, it should have been 90% not 9%

its coz renault use sh*te mounts that always work loose or break up!!!

Quote: Originally posted by MattyMarsh on 22 November 2004

Can you buy 3rd party replacement engine mounts ? something better than Renaults.
Renauklt sport make some and sell some uprated ones for the Cup racing series cars.

But you try getting hold of any.
