Quote: Originally posted by Tom_16v on 16 May 2005
Mines just screwed into the back of the seat.
Secure enough there....
wouldnt wanna lean too far back into ur seats then?
yeah thats why I put back of the seat and not the the front hah!Quote: Originally posted by adamlister on 16 May 2005
wouldnt wanna lean too far back into ur seats then?
Quote: Originally posted by Andy_sport on 16 May 2005
ive just mounted mine to the sub box, lot easier!!
unless youre building some kind of showcar? be thinking false boot floors etc
THats not such a good idea, the sub box will vibrate the amps internals possibly causing damage
Nah dont worry about it. If the sub box is decent it shouldnt vibrate at all. Thats the whole point of using accoustic material like MDF to build the boxes in the first place. If the sub box vibrates it is spoiling the sound of the sub.
Quote: Originally posted by Andy_sport on 20 May 2005
THats not such a good idea, the sub box will vibrate the amps internals possibly causing damage
it rests on little rubbers to reduce direct vibrations, but i dont think it would do any damage as they are designed to withstand vibration. no problems as yet anyway, had it set up that way for months