There's a lower gearbox mount, too. Just get an OE one, though. The two top ones and the dogbone uprated will be fine.
Ok so the mounts are covered, just bought a belt kit from Renault yesterday but again Im feeling like I havnt got all thats required ??
View attachment 45983
is your car the twin cam? if so your missing the cam blanking plates/plug things.
they are 2 black cap looking things one bigger then the other that go on the opposite side of the engine from the belt.
out of curiousity what did renault charge for the kit? i got my factors one for about 70 quid ...
Twin cam ? No idea lol.
Paid £140 from Renault but as said above I want the proper job and not a cheap alternative.
Am I as well getting an auxilary Belt Kit as well ?