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Which Dodo juice?

  Arctic 182 & PB 172
I have the artic blue 182...SHould i use the rainforest rub which is for all colours or would purple haze which is meant for dark metallics be ok? I ask because im not sure if you class the artic blue as a light or dark colour?


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
  RB Clio 182
Blue velvet is a hard wax, the result – a deep blue hard wax that gives a deep, deep shine: Blue Velvet.
Purple haze is as soft as silk, and gives outstanding results on darker coloured cars thanks to the addition of black montan wax (often used in shoe polish).

So either of these will be fine depending what sort of out come you are looking for!


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
  RB Clio 182
But JD will be along soon and he knows his stuff so I'd listen to him!
  Disastra Coupe
It doesn't particularly matter tbh. The 'colour charged' waxes that manufacturer's make actually have little effect.

Use Purple Haze on a white car and you will still get brilliant results!
  Ph1 172
I asked a Dodo Juice rep what the difference was between their soft and hard wax... basically... the only difference is that you can apply the soft wax by hand. with your actual fingers and not an applicator.

Ive always used purple haze on dark cars, im a big fan of dodo juice... i got my last tub off ebay for £28 and the results are amazing.

It can even do this to a rusty old Rover!


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I'd go for the purple haze personally, it's really good fun applying it with your fingers, and a little goes a long way.
I got one of the sample pots and i've managed around 3 coats with it and still have enough left for a couple more :)



You won't notice any difference between the "colours". The charged waxes are a bit more of a marketing ploy, although some will swear blind that they need a new wax everytime they change colour of cars.

Personally, Super Natural is the only wax I would use from Dodo... purely down to personal taste and experience. Although the soft wax, Blue Velvet, was immense fun, when applying by hand. I'll dig out the thread for you later on, or search the user name "Needster" for her Racing Blue 197.
  soon to be 182 ;)
In that case you want a product, wax or sealant, that has a high Carnauba content. So a carnauba wax will look great, or a carnauba spray, such as the Jeffs spray I linked you to in the PM/Thread.

so super natural would be a good one? and i would like to use a wax because to me it just seems like it would protect better, probably a load of balls tho
probably a load of balls tho


In my eyes, a sealant protects better, purely due to longevity. However, they won't necessarily look better. But I tell you what, you have to have a keen eye to spot the difference.

All the work is in the prep stages anyway, the LSP is just the icing on the cake. Super Natural is a great looking, long lasting wax, so is well worth a purchase.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Sealents can actually protect better. The amount of new product development people have done in the last few years has come a long long way.

Sealents are very overlooked IMO
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  soon to be 182 ;)
A good 1-2 layers on a medium sized car I would suggest. Remember thin layers are the key.

so a 30ml tub will do about one application if you so 2 layers? is that a once a month sort of application


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Get a sample of Purple Haze and if your using it on your own car correctly you'll see 3-4 layers easily. My tubs not half empty and i've done 4 layers. 2 on my car and a layer on another 2 cars.

Lovely stuff. It is all in the prep first, I urge you to buy a pre-wax cleanser of some kind, by hand or machine doesn't matter. It'll help your wax sit for longer and look better.

Lime Prime is a very good one to try as is Lusso Revitalising Creme.

A smaple pot will do a lot more than 2 layers! Unless you JD and slap it on thick! :eek:
  Bumder With A Buffer
Depends entirely on the type of wax. And also what Shampoo you use..preferably one that wont strip your wax off.


Edit..Also PH neutral shampoo is a bit of an odd one. As IMO it depends on the ph of the water out of your tap..some areas are higher then others. Still it doesnt stop me using PH balanced stuff. I keep thinking og getting some litmus paper actually but canny be arse.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Use Born to be mild and you'll never need another shampoo.

This is fact, don't listen to Richy he's hormonal! :eek:
  Bumder With A Buffer
Get a sample of Purple Haze and if your using it on your own car correctly you'll see 3-4 layers easily. My tubs not half empty and i've done 4 layers. 2 on my car and a layer on another 2 cars.

Lovely stuff. It is all in the prep first, I urge you to buy a pre-wax cleanser of some kind, by hand or machine doesn't matter. It'll help your wax sit for longer and look better.

Lime Prime is a very good one to try as is Lusso Revitalising Creme.

A smaple pot will do a lot more than 2 layers! Unless you JD and slap it on thick! :eek:

My bloody lime prime is still sitting on top of the fridge haunting me :( Haven't had a chance to use it since I got it in October :(
  soon to be 182 ;)
so if you get a 30ml tub and you can get approx 6 layers out of it then will last roughly 3 months? 2 layers a month sound about right. but a 250 ml tub of some is 3 times the price, thats 8 times more wax so it seems silly buying the small one in that case, so in theory the 250ml tub could last 2 years?
  Bumder With A Buffer
IMO you wouldn't need 2 layers a month. 1 layer a month would be ample...Maybe im just lazy but thats what I did with Blue Velvet on my Monaco. Or were you saying 2 layers of wax put on say at the beginning of the month?? In theory it would help protection having 2 on and "may" last longer. Im dubious though I found it made naff all difference other then using more product.

The only time I would do it more then once a month was if I was experimenting with polish on panels (which obviously ment I stripped wax off)
  soon to be 182 ;)
IMO you wouldn't need 2 layers a month. 1 layer a month would be ample...Maybe im just lazy but thats what I did with Blue Velvet on my Monaco. Or were you saying 2 layers of wax put on say at the beginning of the month?? In theory it would help protection having 2 on and "may" last longer. Im dubious though I found it made naff all difference other then using more product.

The only time I would do it more then once a month was if I was experimenting with polish on panels (which obviously ment I stripped wax off)

yea i ment 2 layers at once, so you make sure you cover it all, if 1 layer a month is the case it will last a bloody long time and justify the cost


ClioSport Club Member
  cup'd arctic 182
Maybe, but that could be 2 years of a product you don't like!

I'm going to get a 4th coat from a 'panel pot' of SN, not sure i'm going to go back to it tbh, i feel it gives an impressive warm glow but kills the flake in my arctic pant. Last time i used it from some angles i almost had an RB! Think i'm going to look into synthetic sealants /finishing products when the weather improves.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Thats just my view..I wasted loads of my pot of Blue Velvet as when I first got it I was waxing probably once every other week.

I then accidently left it for a month or so and beading/protection was still there.

So maybe its lazyness but I found it better to have just one coat Putting 2 on does nothing more then waste products, likewise putting lots of wax on is just as wastefull and achieves nada! IMO. I used a panel pot of rubbish boys (dodo) on mine and used hardly any..and my car is a lot bigger then the Clio!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Maybe, but that could be 2 years of a product you don't like!

I'm going to get a 4th coat from a 'panel pot' of SN, not sure i'm going to go back to it tbh, i feel it gives an impressive warm glow but kills the flake in my arctic pant. Last time i used it from some angles i almost had an RB! Think i'm going to look into synthetic sealants /finishing products when the weather improves.

Yes I noticed that too. Jeffs Werkstatt (sp) used to bring my Monaco out with some cracking flake popping! Blue Velvet seemed to dull it ever so slightly In fact likewise on the silver beast now..jeffs on that brings out some nice flakes..whereas wax it seems a bit duller The . Maybe thats the idea of wax and it didn't bother me "that" much...just an observation.
