I would say be open-minded about which one to go for. Although there are slight visual differences between each, theyre mechanically the same car. I recently bought mine and was really after a Williams 2 as they look more modern than the original Williams (which has Phase1 trim), yet dont have the sunroof or ABS of the Williams 3.
But, the Willy is a very rare car! When it came down to it, I was buying on mileage and condition. Believe me that you dont have much choice of mint cars, let alone of a particular Willy, 2 or 3! I settled for an original Williams (no. 123) as it was a genuine low mileage car in great condition. Its a bit less modern-looking and noisier than a Willy 2 or 3, but it is one of the originals and its still a beautiful car. The 449 Sports Blue paint is still stunning after all these years and catches the sun very nicely (goes purpley).
Youll be getting a classic whichever Willy you go for!
Williams The original homologation special. 400 numbered RHD cars. Phase1 trim with no sunroof or ABS (because rally cars dont have them), manual mirrors and less soundproofing. Colour: 449 Sports Blue.
Williams 2 Phase2 with more modern trim, soundproofing and electric mirrors. Otherwise the same as Williams and no sunroof/ABS. About 400 RHD examples.
Williams 3 Another Phase2. As Willy 2, but with sunroof, ABS and brighter Monaco Blue paintwork. About 400 examples.