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Whining 172 Cured

  CTR EK9 turbo

My clio was whining and sounded like it was superchargred.

Took it into renault garage and today its been resolved:

New alternater belt, new tensioner C2(?) new tensioner ME(?), replaced roller pulley.

I dont really understand the list, but it seems they replaced all my belts!? the cost came to £221 as it was out of warranty - ouch - but thankfully Renault paid 70% of it.

Should i complain and get more off? should my belts be going up the creek with only 24618 miles on the odo?
  CTR EK9 turbo

Its a y-reg 2001 mk.1, only came with 1 years warranty. I wish things had broken earlier so that i could get a years warranty on them like my gearbox. Must remember to break the new one before the warranty on that runs out ;)
