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Why does my car electrocute me

  C4 Grand Picasso

I gave my car a wash yesterday, waxed it today and the ungrateful bugger keeps giving me static shocks when I get out.

Its started happening this morning, is it something Im wearing or doing differently than normal?

BTW: I didnt post this message in exterior forum cos its broke.
  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Stop wearing shaggy jerseys...yeah it could well be something youre wearing...I have a fleece which tends to get me electrocuted by my car when I get out

think it to do with your footwear! what soles are made of! cos when ur driving ur feet are rubbin the carpet/mat and static builds! hence the *SHOCK*
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport

Probably the cloth you used to buff it with has caused a build up of static or it might just be you. Im always getting shocks off my car and the coffee machine at work, yet the missus never gets shocked by my car even if she touches it at the same time!?
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport

Quote: Originally posted by Ben j on 24 May 2004

car wash as in big spinning machine car wash? probably charged it up with static!
nooo!! please tell me nobody on here uses a car wash they fcuk up you paintwork big style.
  C4 Grand Picasso

I washed the car by hand (I dont trust the big mechanical ones), so it cant be rollers charging the car with static.

Im wearing fairly old clothes that Ive worn loads of times, could possibly be the cause.

Seems the footware may be the most likely cuplrit, although Im wearing old trainers - the car only gets used to get to work mostly when I always wear work-boots (anti-static ones). I will find out tomorrow when Im back in my work gear.


if uve polished it like people are saying, its u that has electroctued the car, not the other way round, cos u have charged static and the metal has earthed it from u.
  C4 Grand Picasso

Thats probably it, I waxed it this morning - and its shocked me every time Ive got out.

Anyone know the solution to stop it happening next time I polish/wax, or should I just stop being a puff and take the shocks like a man?
  C4 Grand Picasso

Quote: Originally posted by RobFenn on 24 May 2004

Your car doesnt like you!
. . .but Im so nice to it, I wash it every 2 months (if it needs it or not), and hoover it out every 18 months. ;)

I always get static shock, nothign i can do about it, its coused by teh cahrged air partical passing over the car, and charging it. They had massive problems on F1 cars, when they connected the re-fueling rig there was so much buil;t up and it woudl spark, so now they are grounded.

I tend to just tap the door, to get rid of eany static, if you do it quick enough, you can feel it, but it dont hurt
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport

you could always get one of those tastful anti-static plastic things to hang of your bumper
  BMW 320d Sport

I always find it happens in cold dry weather, almost never in summer or in the wet. Usually dry winter days is when its worst. I flinch from closing the door, I must look like a right nancy boy prodding the door closed without using my hand!
  C4 Grand Picasso

Ive found myself closing the door by pushing the window, it now has loads of greasy fingerprints all over it now though - maybe I should wash my hands once in a while.

yeah why do you just shut the door by pushing the glass?

PMSL Tom :). you get an electro static shock from yourself not the car. the charge passes from you to the car body not the other way around!

the reason is because when you are in the car your bodys electro static field increases when you move in the seat and when you get out and touch the car the built up charge finds an earthed route through the car body and discharges.

i have a hypothesis....the seats. look when you get out the car at your seats. the hairs of the fabric stand on end and grab your shirt and arms...its horrible.

After sitting in your car for a while, rubbing against the seat, you may, due to triboelectricity, charge up to some voltage relative to the car (triboelectricity is buildup of a static electric charge due to friction). When you stop and get out, you pull apart the plates of the capacitor (you are one plate, the car is the other). The capacitance drops, the voltage goes roaring up and a half inch arc strikes from your fingertip to the door handle. Ouch.

  172 FF

I think its defo the shoes. I havent had a shock in ages. Then I get a new pair of shoes in somthing a bit different & then zap everytime I get out of the thing.
I found a cure tho & maybe I do it naturally now. get hold of some metal area on the door as you get out & keep hold of it till u are fully out & have shut the door. Then you have just grounded yourself. ;)
  Golf GTD

i find this too, and go with the velour interior making me charged.

way to stop it happenin is, as u open door, put hand on roof , foot on floor and get out. then u should be fine. I normally am.
  Clio 1.4, SV650S

yeah i get it in the summer on pretty miuch any car, i have been using the touch the glass method for years!

I also get it at work on the door and the filing cabinets office, we have this really crappy nylon carpet and sitting at the desk moving feet builds up a massive charge.

Quote: Originally posted by NotAClioOwner on 24 May 2004

After sitting in your car for a while, rubbing against the seat, you may, due to triboelectricity, charge up to some voltage relative to the car (triboelectricity is buildup of a static electric charge due to friction). When you stop and get out, you pull apart the plates of the capacitor (you are one plate, the car is the other). The capacitance drops, the voltage goes roaring up and a half inch arc strikes from your fingertip to the door handle. Ouch.

W4N4B ;)

to be honest your shoes are always going to be insulating you from the ground rather than connecting you so the severity or frequency of static shocks will tend to depend on what you are wearing when you come sit on something. most people screrm around in their chairs.

i also dont think that walking on carpets builds up much of a static field compared with moving around on a chair especially inside a car.

Sorry i should have put a link, rather than just posting...

"i also dont think that walking on carpets builds up much of a static field compared with moving around on a chair especially inside a car."

You obviously havent walked on my office


I myself use the touch the glass method to avoid a shock , But i get a zap of my front door when I put my key in so I cant win.
Now i take it like a man :) Seriously though it tends to happen only in summer time for me , no idea why though.

I get one every day after work! but thats either since i had my front suspension on the left replaced and created a faulty earth or since I started working in an office with carpets and it just built up!

Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 24 May 2004

yeah why do you just shut the door by pushing the glass?

PMSL Tom :). you get an electro static shock from yourself not the car. the charge passes from you to the car body not the other way around!

the reason is because when you are in the car your bodys electro static field increases when you move in the seat and when you get out and touch the car the built up charge finds an earthed route through the car body and discharges.
Not sure how the car can be a better earthed route than you. Surely the rubber on your shoes is a lot thinner than the rubber on your tyres, and seeing as these are the only things that touch the ground on a car id have thought the charge passes through you to the ground, not your car to the ground.


[/GEEK]the static charge is in you, your cars tyres have graphite compound in the rubber which earths the car. when you get out, touch the metal your earthing yourself[GEEK/]

so next time you see someone with an earthing strap on the back of their car, shout "oi buffoon, NO!"
