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Why would someone do this?

  Clio 182 BG FF
Today I found out that my side lights front and rear don't work. Thinking this maybe a fuse I opened my fuse cover to see the piccy attached (hopefully).
Not having a clue I decided to come to you guys and girls for your advice.
Haven't done a thing with it yet so I don't know if they will work if I disconnect it.
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  Polo + Micra
wtf is going on there lol

looks like some one has bodged a couple of full size blade fuses to fit in the mni blade slots
  Lots of Alfas
Dink said:
wtf is going on there lol

looks like some one has bodged a couple of full size blade fuses to fit in the mni blade slots

Yeah what he said, do you think the renault dealor did it, or previous owner?
  BMW 330D
damn that looks a mess. personally altho ppl are saying jus put smaller sized fuses in i wudnt touch that mess!
  Polo + Micra
it's not really a mess, trust me lol

just rip them out and see what doesn't work
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
have a look on the insude of the fuse cover and see what correspondes to each bodged in large blade fuse :)
  Clio 182 BG FF
Its the side lights. I think what dink said was probably right, i'll do it in the morning. Thanks guys
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
What i don't understand is why he would want to run 2 seperate fuses (each for different things by the look of it) into 1??
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
hes essentialy rendered the fuses useless by the looks of things anyway, as each of the red connectors is now acting inplace of a fuse but obv wont break if there is too much current running through them
  Polo + Micra
nah looks like each fuse goes from the to red plug on the right up to a 15 mini on the top
