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Wireless Router ?

  Skoda Fabia vRS
what would i need to set up my home broadband so that when im home i can use it on my phone through wifi ?


ClioSport Club Member
either a wireless router or a wireless modem router if you want an all in one unit.

the wireless router will hard wire into your own broadband modem via an ethernet port
  Skoda Fabia vRS
how secure is wifi, dont want all the street using it !

im with VM and new customers get one for free it seems, £40 otherwise

if i went and bought one from PC World what am i looking for ?....are their different speeds/specs i need to check ?
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  Skoda Fabia vRS
would their be a way of having my broadband still running from modem -> computer, i only really want wifi to use with my mobile

i play COD4 quite a bit and i dont really want that to suffer


  Audi S1
would their be a way of having my broadband still running from modem -> computer, i only really want wifi to use with my mobile

i play COD4 quite a bit and i dont really want that to suffer

You can plug multiple pc's to your router by network cable and use wireless at the same time, speed will only be affected if you're using all of them at the same time
  Skoda Fabia vRS
so its not a case of

cable modem -> network cable -> wireless router
desktop -> wifi -> wireless router

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
just plug your hard wired PC line into the back of the router... the one above allows you to plug up to 4 pcs into it...

Our xbox live is wireless :)

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
  Skoda Fabia vRS
LOL, lovin the internet as a cloud :)

do i need any particular speed of modem ?........what spec am i looking for ?........i dont want it to slow down my gaming

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Im with VM on ther 10 meg thing... still using the same modem ETC...

Only thing you need to look out for with modems is the range... if your just staying in a medium sized house the above is fine. if you live in like, a massive house and wanna use it outside etc you will need one that extends its signals further...

The one above i posted shuold be fine for you though! Its practically just plug and play mate
  Skoda Fabia vRS
readin up online it seems some are a lot more reliable than others, any brands i should avoid ?
  Skoda Fabia vRS
might go and buy one later, seems like G+ or N ? is the faster kit to go for, but ill only be using this from my mobile, how fast can a mobile receive data on wifi ?

ive used netgear kit in the past thats always been reliable, seeing a lot of Belkin and Sitecom stuff about, are they decent aswell ?
  MKIII 138
might go and buy one later, seems like G+ or N ? is the faster kit to go for, but ill only be using this from my mobile, how fast can a mobile receive data on wifi ?

it depends on the phone and what it uses. n is the fastest and newest. but G is quite fast enough for VOIP TBH. n is really for high end speeds like video coms. also the device will support n and g as all stuff runs on 2.4ghz at moment inc ps3, xbox360, voip phones etc..

n is 5ghz, and if properly done should have two antenna. if it has one it uses a propriatory diversity mode.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
well i am thinking of getting a 360 @ xmas, would this suffice ?

my mobile lists this:

GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps
3G HSDPA, 7.2 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, DLNA
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with A2DP
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  Skoda Fabia vRS
i presume you have to know a fair bit Tom to get around it, and then you have the desktop firewall to deal with aswell ?

if im possibly gonna be using a 360 on this aswell in a few months, will a G+ suffice or will it lag ?
  320d M Sport
we just got a wireless router free from our ISP (o2) and connected to that we got:

360 - Ethernet
Blu Ray - Ethernet

dead easy, Never had a problem, all done with WEP key, so is secure. thats all u need to do.......right?
  MKIII 138
Its not. WPA/2 has been cracked. Takes 15 min.

get it right people.

WPA TKIP has been "in part" cracked, by science / maths experts using a special algorythm, it takes 15mins IF you have a serously powerfull rig.

IF, someone sits outside your house (WHY?) in a custom Van with a seriously powerfull rig with the exact mathematical algorithm they could crack the code.

WPA2 (which supports TKIP to be backwards compatible) runs in AES mode if asked to on your home router which I do (increases overheads and slows performance marginally)

all new routers support WPA2 AES. this is at the moment and is clasified to be 100% safe, TKIP was always known to have a problem with is keying algorithm this has now in extreme circumstances been proven.

so im not wrong.

cheers phill


Wireless network specialist for NHS trust.

btw WEP can be cracked extremely easily with software in 3 seconds, its not something id run ever as smart arse teenagers would find it funny to do this if they see your signal, however you could see them associated to your router and its is illegal.

WPA2 AES PSK (with decent lengh PSK) is perfect.

hope this helps
  Skoda Fabia vRS
paddy what router is it ?

we can get one for £40 from VM but not sure what spec it would be

what kind of speed do i need to run a 360 through my broadband, if im on the 360 then the PC wont be running games at the same time

so what security protocol am i looking for on the box ?
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  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
Im an IT consultant and I helped o2 launch o2 broadband last year.

Q. is wireless safe?
A. Well yes. Its encryption codes can be Hexadecimal or Pass phrased. (numbers, letters or both) the longer and more dynamic your code the harder it is to break.

Don't set your password as broadband1. lol

We use a number of programs to try and hack our routers to see how secure they are. It can take hours or even days so we asked that the routers shut down it too may incorrect attempts are being made to log in. Netgear are Belkin probably have this feature too.

Q. Will I get lag?
A. How longs a piece of string? Ok its all about line degradation. If your an ADSL user, you may have been told your internet speed is 8mb, 16mb, 20mb etc... when you bought it. Thats only if you live inside the BT exchange . The further away you live the slower it gets. Virgin customers use fibre optics so they probably have the fastest speed but the modem virgin customers use crash often and have trouble hadling P2P programs and torrents at the best of times.

Q. How fast is my broadband right now?
A. google the term : broadband speed test. A number of websites will test your speed for you.

Q. So whats better then hard wire or wireless?
A. Well it depends what you use it for. A common misconception is that wireless will be slower when using the internet. Well maybe very slighty but dont forget that the max speed internet through ADSL is 20+MB and wireless routers work at 54+mbps. The only way yout would notice a difference is if you send a large file from 1 pc to another. Hard wire is faster but it rare you would need that function in the house hold.

Hope this helps
  MKIII 138
so what security protocol am i looking for on the box ?

you set that on the router ( from your PC.
then the xbox will find the named network, if you specify wep (dont !) or PSK (do) then you will be asked to enter the shared key. enter that and you connect.

  Skoda Fabia vRS
im on VM cable, i think the 10mb service, i regularly get downloads from good sources of 1mb/sec

so do we think a G+ will do ?..........that Linksys one i quoted lists its speed as 125Mbps
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  MKIII 138
im on VM cable, i think the 10mb service, i regularly get downloads from good sources of 1mb/sec

so do we think a G+ will do ?..........that Linksys one i quoted lists its speed as 125Mbps

125mbs is pretty much hooey.

g will do, if your router can genuinely supply N radio... it doesnt matter, PS3`s wireless card is 2.4ghz, and so is xbox360 ! which is G.

n =5ghz + shorter range and shorter signal distance (although more channels)

specify G only on the router settings, even if a neighbours devices poll your AP at B and your on B/G your router will drop to associate them at B for a while and this will bring your speed down too.
fix it at 'G'

you will get a good speed, and its mostly down to signal strengh.

to improve performance you can utilise a sitesurvey tool off the web to see what neighbouring ap`s (routers) are sitting on channel wise, the less intereference the better

i used my works site survey tool lol

hope this helps, any more wireless issues give me a pm
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
Phil1978 is right. N is a faster service but you need the matching equipment. I think G has become the current industry standard.

There is a number of routers out there that now have b,g and n functions so if you want to futureproof yourself buy the best you can afford.

When I worked for Toshiba is 2005, their head of Computer Systems Division said one thing to me that I will never forget.

Whats the best day of the year to buy a new computer system? (I was thinking new year? Latest batches come out?) He said, never. The day you buy it, its out of date.

True True.
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
Anyway i think its time we end this thread. We're completely off the original post lol. Don't forget we all drive really fast clios!!!
  Skoda Fabia vRS
anymore replies before i buy the wrong one tomorrow lol

is 54Mbps 'bits' so about 5mb ?
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
yeah its bits on bb connections. honestly you'll be fine buy a wireless G router 54mbps. They're pretty standard really :)
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  Skoda Fabia vRS
no lag when using with a 360 ?

also how much signal loss do you get between rooms, in the pub tonight the main bar was spot on 100% signal, the bar in the other room just metres away was 30% and the restaurant was 15-0%, again not much further

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
No lag on 360. I have an average size house and can sit and browse on the back garden/abit up road. honestly you will be fine!
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
It's all about the router, there's a reason why Belkin and Netgear etc sell alot they're cheap and cheerful, good range and best performance for their money. You may lose 10% ish per wall, maybe even more but ultimately it's not the router that will cause the lag its your connection. I've seen lag on the best of connections, the odd frame or two skips but thats life hey!
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
I must admit i have used that router above, its quite good, also works as an access point and if you configure it right, it'll talk to ADSL wired router and make them wireless!
  Skoda Fabia vRS
the Netgear ones seem to be a good few quid more than the Belkin stuff, ive used Netgear in the past and its always been very reliable, their G router in PC World is £45 i think, the Belkin start at £25

their is a nice looking Linksys (Cisco) one for £30 but its only got an internal aerial, is that bad ?
