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Wireless Router ?

  Skoda Fabia vRS
really, thought with them being part of Cisco they would be good

seems if i buy less well known brands i can get an N for £40 !? but if an Xbox 360 cant run at those kinds of speeds no point getting one eh
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  172 Exclusive... For Sale
I'd go for Netegear, don't know whether it's been mention but for a cable broadband you need a cable specific router.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
Belkin - £25
Netgear £45 (in store price)

the Netgear reviews seem better though, quite a few say the Belkin has poor signal range

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Canny go wrong then really. they all do the same thing. just check they are compatible for cable not bt line as said
  MKIII 138
sorry for not seeing this update sooner, was busy removing some AP`s funnily enough.

54mbs is marketing spin its 22mbs each way !

reet con eh ?

megabits is to the power of 8 over megabites so work that from 22 ? roughly 3megabites persecond.. then you have wireless overheads depending on what encription you use.

as mentioned WPA2 AES (PSK) has the greates overhead by a country mile you will lose some performance on this so your looking at a maximum of 2.8 megabites a second on a decent quality wireless link, on 60%-70% you may drop packets and get resends so theoretical performance may be slower.

sounds slow right ? ethernet is super speedy and nearly never drops so id choose that if you want maximum 'LAN' speed i.e computer -> computer

but before you think its crap.. tell me the last time you saw over 750kbs on a ADSL link on even a 12mb/16mb package ? i havent and its plenty fast enough to down load a mp3 i no time.

im on 8mb package and get about 204kbs/300kbs per second which is not limited by wireless but is limited by that actual speed of the connection

i.e even at the low wireless speeds you cant really be held up by todays broadband offerings.

if you choose a fast cable connection and can achieve serious speeds on a 24mb package or above then i would suggest running N radio (bear in mind it could be a cobbled together pre-ratified standard) and make sure your pc can handle n radio also.

this can use 19 channels and has a much faster speed it is the future...

(well until wimax and 6ghz 600mbs speeds are here in the next 5years)
  Skoda Fabia vRS
gonna need something with good signal on it, its gonna be upstairs in our spare room, so its gonna need to come through a minimum of 1 wall/floor when im on my mobile with it
  Skoda Fabia vRS
wanted the Netgear but Comet didnt have it in, so ive bought a Belkin 54G for £25 from PC World, so far so good, took all of 5mins to setup

question though, i set WPA2 security, and a key for it, however my mobile has no problem at all connecting to my wifi without a key !?
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  MKIII 138
web browse to

see what security settings are actually activated m8

voice will possibly use a different default setting due to the way it works. (udp over tcp)
  Skoda Fabia vRS
nothing works on that IP, ive got the IP of the setup screen but not sure what im looking for

Network Name (SSID):***********
Wireless Security:Configured
Network Authentication:WPA-PSK
Data Encryption:TKIP
Network Key (PSK):*******************
  Skoda Fabia vRS
im readin online that the x box wifi adapter can do 5ghz but it doesnt list n ... Have i now bought a slower router than i should have
