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Wiring components to amp!!

  RB 182 cup,astra sri
right, this issue is really annoying!! i have been searchinf forums trying to find an answer but cant!

basically, i need someone to give me a detailed description of how they wired their component speakers, from the doors to an amp in the boot! This would be specifically for a mk2 ph2 clio.

info like - where they ran the wires to ( on the car)
- the best place to run the wires (both passenger and driver door speakers)
- do you need to take the dash apart to fit the tweeters in the original place?
- Where they put the crossovers
- how you wire the crossovers
- how you wire the amp

it will be a 4 channel amp powering the components plus a sub

please help! I would apprecitate it a lot!

  Clio 1.4 16v
Best place to run the wires, take off the kick plates from the inside of the doors, there are cable holders under there where you can run all the speaker cable to the amp in the boot.

The entire dash top will unscrew and slide out, this makes it very easy to install the tweeters where your original ones were ant to route the cabling.

I found the easiest way to wire it was, run the main feed from the back to inside the dash, into the crossover (hide these under dash top) run the tweeter feed directly into the dash tweeter, the run the mid range feed into the original door speaker cable behind the head unit, the haynes manual gives you wiring diagrams, teling you which speaker uses which colour wires. Then just change the speaker in the door, using the original cable.

If your amp is four channels you will use two channels for each of the front components, then bridge the third channel for your sub and switch on a low-pass filter
